As an Institute we are based on Istanbul and we have got approx. 120 psychodrama trainees in different levels. Although we are their primary trainers, all psychodramatists and sociodramatists from different countries are welcome to share rich encounters and experiences by directing our psychodrama training groups. Here is the some psychotherapists done workshops with our training groups up today:

Anna Chesner
Sue Daniel
Jacquie Dubbs-Siroka
Chris Farmer
Marisol Bouza Filgueira
Jacop Gershoni
Christina Hagelthorn
Kate Hudgins
Dr. Sue Jennings
Marcia Karp
Peter Felix Kellerman
David Kipper
Kate Kirk
Laila Kjellström
Eva Levaton
Louise Lipman
Joseph Moreno
Zerka Moreno
Yacov Naor
Elaine Sachnoff
Eberhard Scheiffele
Gong Shu
Bob Siroka
Ron Wiener
Paul Wilkins
Liz White
Judith Teszary

We would like to thank you all, for excellent workshops you have done with our trainees in Turkiye with amateur spirit. We were honoured to be with you in every step.

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute has a respectful place in the world, has been continuing its works parallel with the world. We even did some new things which caused the other psychodramatists fallow us in their applications.