Psychodrama & Gestalt Therapy Groups 

Nese Karabekir-  Psikodramatist  1993 


Supervisor: John Mcleod ve  Kate Kirk, Keele Universitesi, İngiltere 



A 60-item questionnaire, 12 different Gestalt (N = 28) and three different Psychodrama (N = 25) group participants, were presented with 5 open-ended questions by Yalom (1985), representing 12 curative factors critical for the efficacy of psychotherapeutic groups. At the end of one week or weekend groups, differences between the group types and within the same groups were analyzed quantitatively using T-tests. According to the results of the T-test, it was found that the category of catharsis was significantly different in Psychodrama and Gestalt Groups. There is no significant difference between the same theoretical perspectives in the groups. These results showed that group participants from two different action-oriented psychotherapy valued similar therapeutic factors. 


Couple and Family Therapy in Psychodrama - Emine Oskargil Göktepe, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2002 


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Psychodrama, different than any other approach, does not only based on pathology but also concerned with health situations. A healthy society is based on healthy individuals. Hence, the smallest unit of society is family and family plays an important role in forming individuals' behaviors. Jacob Levy Moreno, who is the creator of psychodrama, focused on family aid during the time he was working as a family doctor. Moreno, in this way, did not only made the way for group therapies but also family therapies. In this study, first, the beginning of family therapies and then the use of psychodrama techniques in couple and family therapy were discussed. 

Reşeasing Resistance in Psychodrama, Turna Ruya - Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2002 


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 



Resistance is a process that prevents individuals from understanding themselves and the causes of their problems. Even if one wants to change, it is difficult for them to overcome their resistance because they do not know what they are resisting to. An individual may experience difficulties in interpersonal relationships while gaining a number of gains through resistance. In psychodrama groups, clients can resist the game, the topic, the group, the leader, the ego of other group members during the psychodrama game stage. In this study, after explaining the definition of resistance, its functions and how to recognize it, the techniques used by psychodrama to solve resistance were given. Finally, the functions of psychodrama techniques in resolving resistance were explained with examples. 

Spontaneity from Psychodrama to Life, Ayşe Kocayoruk Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute- Graduation Thesis, 2003 


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The concept of spontaneity, which is one of the cornerstones of the sociometric system, is that, according to Moreno, human beings can exhibit the most appropriate attitude according to a new or old situation. In the evolution of humanity, spontaneity emerged before libido, memory and intelligence. In this thesis, it was aimed to explain the definition of spontaneity, the types of spontaneous use, the factors affecting the formation and development of spontaneous behavior, the characteristics of the spontaneous person, the factors that prevent the spontaneity, the interaction of spontaneity with creativity and the pre-condition of spontaneity. 


Warming- Up Games on Psychodrama- Anıl Adanalı, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute- Graduation Thesis, 2004 


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The expression “we cannot know unless we do” explains that some situations cannot be learned unless experienced in life. The warm-up games create environments for people to experience the situations people possibly face in psychodrama in order to gain insights about their emotions and intuitions by doing. Each warm-up games are a trial of real-life situations that support people to understand and overcome the issues in life. This study aims to evaluate warm-up games in general and to clarify the role of warm-up games in psychodrama. This study was expected to form a ground for future studies on the issue. 

Action Methods, Fatma Tosun- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2004 


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Each therapy methods affect each other in a psychological and philosophical way and then, they develop new approaches and methods. Psychodrama, Gestalt, Creative drama, Drama Therapy, Dance Therapy, and Family Constellation are based on action and therefore have similar techniques in each other. These techniques use the action as a way to express themselves and provide psychic development. Although each of them takes the action as the basis, they display differences in terms of techniques and goals. This study aimed to discuss if bringing the therapies that use action together is possible. 

Child Psychodrama, Feyziye Erdoğan- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2004 


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



In the first part of this thesis, Moreno's Role Theory and Game related concepts were discussed. Then, the basic concepts of child psychodrama such as role training and learning functions, techniques used, group formation and stages of child psychodrama session were explained. Finally, the roles and importance of therapist and co-therapists in child psychodrama and family in the group process are examined. 


Resistance in Psychodrama, Gonca Baştuğ- Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2004 


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Resistance in psychodrama is a concept that helps people for their journey, guides them, makes oneself and their surroundings visible, changes and improves them. In this thesis, first of all, theoretical and operational definitions of resistance, psychodrama and other schools' perspectives on resistance were discussed. Then, in a psychodrama session, the stages in which resistance occurs and the use of psychodramatic basics were investigated. In this study, the issues of how protagonist, co-ego / roles overcome of this situation were examined. In the last part of the thesis, the Resistance Questionnaire created for this study and the answers and comments given to the questions in this survey were given in detail. 


Communication Skill Education in Psychodrama, Serpil Sofuoğlu Güngör- Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2004  


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 


In this thesis, firstly, the concepts of action, creativity and spontaneity, in which the philosophy of psychodrama is established and serve to be healthy, were discussed. Secondly, the facilitation of the elements of psychodrama in this group work was mentioned. In the third part, the place and use of basic techniques of psychodrama in effective communication skills training group study were discussed. In the fourth chapter, the warming games, the members of each group and the role of warming games in the warming of the subject are discussed. In the last section, the group work plan was framed as a plan to achieve the goals of the existing effective communication group work model by making use of psychodrama. 





The Curative Factors by Using Basic Psychodrama Techniques, Tansu Oskay- Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2004 


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 



The fundamental techniques of psychodrama that are “Matching ”,“ Mirroring ”and“ Role Changing” techniques are unique to the nature of psychodrama. They help people to gain awareness of one's own, to see himself and his environment, to embody his experiences and to take action, to increase his learning and many other contributions. In this study, the forces of these basic techniques, the philosophical foundations on which they are based, their roles in the process, their importance in the game and their contribution to learning are discussed. 

Role Theory/ Role Pathology, and Role Reverse, Necla Baş Psychodramatist,  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2004  


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



In this thesis, firstly, Moreno's role theory, role development stages, role categories were examined and, then the effect of role change technique on empathy and the semi-hypnotic situation experienced during role change were emphasized. According to role theory, psychopathological disorders, role deficiency syndrome and extension of role repertoire were examined. In the last part, psychodrama and other schools' views on the client, techniques and principles were presented in a comparative and integrative perspective. 

The Encounter in the Multicultural Workplace:Sociodrama, Hande Köprülüler-Psychodramatist,  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2004 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



In this thesis, aimed to build a bridge between people who left their counties permanently or foreigners coming to Turkey as a teacher and their Turkish colleagues. With this bridge, it was aimed that foreign and Turkish teachers working together to get to know each other better, to increase their communication skills, to develop their empathy skills, to look at their own cultures and other cultures more deeply and with understanding, in short “encounter” through sociodrama. For this purpose, two 3 hours separate sociodrama groups were formed. A total of 28 teachers (Turkish, English, American, Scottish, Canadian) participated in the study. At the end of the study, it was observed that teachers had more communication with each other and spent more time together. 

Individual Psychodrama, Lafci Isguzar Selma- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2005  


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 


Individual psychodrama is a type of psychodrama used in individual psychotherapy. In the individual psychodrama, which was also defined as psychodrama without assistive egos. The interaction does not take place in a group setting but in a dual interaction setting where the therapist and the client are involved. In this thesis, it was aimed to explain the reasons of preference of individual psychodrama, use of basic and co-techniques in psychodrama during individual psychodrama, advantages and disadvantages compared to other approaches. 




The Comparison with Psychodrama Group Therapy and Drama Therapy, 

Semiha Tenekeci-Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2005 


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 


The scientific roots of psychodrama are in Jacob Levi Moreno's (1889-197) philosophy of spontaneity, creativity, action, moment, role theory and interaction. Drama therapy is fun and encouraging in some educational sessions, but psychodrama is more prepared and equipped to expose the personality in the therapeutic process. In this study, first, the use of action in psychotherapy and Moreno's theory are explained. Afterwards, the dramaturgy that emerged approximately 40 years after the psychodrama and the studies in the countries where it was applied was emphasized. Then, the Drama Therapy Embodiment Projection Role Model and an application example are presented. Finally, the principles and methods of Psychodrama and Dramaterapy are explained and for whom it is more appropriate, the functions of psychodramatists and drama therapists are compared. 

Psychoanalytic Psychodrama, Aşkın Koç- Psychodamatist. Istanbul 
Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2005 


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The aim of this study is to increase the interest and the applications of psychoanalytic psychodrama practice in Turkey. In the first sections, group attractiveness and passing from individualistic therapy to group therapy was discussed.  In the later sections, perspectives of psychoanalysis and psychodrama on psychopathology, resistance and transference and the methods that are used  were explained. Lastly, after the studies on psychoanalytic psychodrama applications, resistance, dream, and psychoanalytic child psychodrama and transference both in psychoanalytic child psychodrama and psychoanalytic psychodrama were discussed, comparison between the two approaches was done. 


The Comparison Between the Role Development Theory in Psychodrama and Psychoanalysis, Handan Altınova Psychodramatist   

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2005  


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



This study aimed to examine the psychodrama and psychoanalytic theories based on psychodrama methods from the perspective of similarities and differences. In addition, at the end of the study, each developmental period was tabulated under its own title and it is tried to be grouped by considering the developmental periods according to theories, the defining characteristics of each period, the relations with the close environment, positive and negative developments. 

The Therapist's Role of “Curative Mother” in Individual Psychodraöa with Children, Lisya Koen- Psychodramatist 

 Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2005   


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The therapist helps to recover whatever has gone wrong between the child and the mother through the special relationship he has with the child by using the philosophy and techniques of Role Theory. The healthy relationship established between the child and the therapist in the individual child psychodrama contributes to the development of the child's interpersonal relationship ability. Furthermore, the unhealthy experiences of the infant relationship between the mother and the infant acquired during role learning are restructured between the child and the therapist. In this thesis, psychodrama, individual psychodrama and individual child psychodrama were examined. The roles of the curative mother that the therapist takes were explained during the role development stages in individual psychodrama with children. 

The Encounter with Mother Role and Working Role in Business Women and the Research about Conflict Technique Between Those Roles by Using Psychodrama Technique, Tugba Ozkabakci - Psikodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2005  


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 



The aim of this study was to determine whether women have difficulty in recognizing themselves as they take both the mother role and worker role. By doing this, Moreno's philosophy was sought to form a model by applying sociometry, sociodrama and psychodrama. In the first stage of this model, the Role Atom Scale was applied to the selected experimental group and psychodrama sessions were applied to the group to understand the basic conflict feelings of the participants. The session details were explained in a descriptive manner. 


Psychodrama and Aleksitimia, Harika Özel - Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2005.  


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Moreno, by activating and reviving the spontaneity and creativity inherent in people; supports the process for people to realize their own hidden power and solve their own problems, to find their own way and to discover their own keys. Although the concept of alexymitis has been studied many times in somatization, its function and treatments in panic disorder have not been examined. In this direction, the aim of this thesis was firstly that alexithymic individuals realize the power that exists in them and turn to appropriate symbolic expressions while they are getting rid of their problems, gain the experience of recognizing, recognizing, naming and expressing their emotions. Secondly, it was aimed to investigate which roles did not develop, diminish, and function in the life of individuals in cases of severe expressions of anxiety, and to investigate whether there was a difference between alexithymia and anxiety scores before and after group life. 

Object Relation Theory and Psychodrama: Finding a Meaning of Inner Objects in Psychodrama, Tulay Arsu –Psikodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2005 


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 



Object Relation Theory of in of psychoanalysis, just as psychodrama makes the invisible visible in life,  deals with the transition from abstract to concrete. The aim of this study was to look at psychodrama with the functioning of object relations. Psychodrama, which is the meeting point of the person inside and outside, can be handled with many theories. In this thesis, the protagonist's internalized object relations in the psychodrama scene are examined from the past to the present in the orientation of time and space. In this context, two case presentations were made and after process analysis, possible criticisms about the study were answered. 

An Analysis on “Double” use and Its Importance, M. Fulya Kurter- Psychodramatist. 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2006 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



This study explains and discusses the double in psychodrama. In doing so, it aimed to address where the unique and therapeutic contribution of the spouse takes power from the following dimensions. An in-depth look at Moreno's "double" and his role and function in psychodrama that are origins and developmental roots; Moreno's views on God and the universe and his connection to Sufism that are the philosophical posture behind the double; the technically innovative character of the spouse as a key concept in the formation of the new psychodramatic model. At the same time, if the spouse has improper functionality, the potential threats were also referred to under the heading bewildered peer. 


A Psychodramatic Interview with Moreno: About Surplus Reality and Its Role for Us to Meet Our Creative Essence, Seda Tatar -Psikodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2006  


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 


Reality is now a concept created by Moreno to overcome barriers in the external world and to provide temporary therapeutic transitions to lead individuals to the moment where their roles are locked. This thesis was written about reality and the key role of residual reality in our meeting with our creative essence. It is aimed to revive our creativity by living the situations in which we have no possibility to live in the world of psychodrama, now becoming reality thanks to the concept of reality. 

Correlation of Workplace Performance and Spontaneity and Sociometry Tests - Tuba Carpa,  


Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2006  


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 



In this study, firstly, the relationships between workplace performance, and spontaneity and sociometry were examined. Then, the use of sociometry and spontaneity tests in the workplace performance evaluation was explained. The 2005 performance scores of individuals were taken into consideration in this study, which was applied to a bank's 35-person department. In the first stage, sociometry test was applied to all participants. Then, spontaneity test was applied to a total of 13 people, 8 of whom were selected in both questions as a result of sociometry test, and 5 from the last to 5 people who were selected at least or not at all. Spontaneous test results and performance evaluation criteria were compared. 


Tele:Transference Relation in Psychodrama and The Poles, Serhat Türktan- Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2006  


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 



Tele is the mutual and often non-verbal sharing of the lives and inner worlds of the people in a relationship, with or without awareness. Transference is the forced repetition of the relationship patterns of past relations, which include an unresolved conflict (Acar, 2001; Özbek, 2003; Fehr, 2000). This study aims to examine the relationship between “tele” and “transference” in psychodrama in the context of mutual role interactions in the group. For this purpose, the data was obtained by using “Who am I? ” And “ Who is This?” Tests. 

Genosociograms and Psychodrama, Cennetoglu Özlem - Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2006 


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 



One of the strongest aspects of the genosociogram is revealing the relationship patterns within the family when it id used in the context of therapy. Mcgoldrick and Gerson (1985, cited in Papadopoulos and Bor, 1997) reported that the process of forming a family tree that maps a patient or a family relationship and functionality pattern works in a similar way to that of language in organizing and developing thought processes. In this thesis, the history of genosociogram which is one of the most important sub-fields of psychodrama, the foundations on which it is based, and the transference issues within and between generations were examined. Then, genonsociogram extraction, drawing and interpretation and question examples were given. In the last section where sample genosociograms are examined, Freud's 5 generations genosociogram were given in detail. 

The Identity of Psychodramatists: The Roles That a Psychodramatist Should Have, Celik Ozan Hanzade - Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2006 


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 



The unit of interaction between mother and child is the basis of human social development and the relationship between psychodramatist and protogonist in psychodrama groups is also the source of social development. The first aim of this thesis was to find out which sub-roles the individuals who intend to become psychodramatists should carry or develop by using the Role Atom Scale and which of the four main roles of the psychodramatist are concentrated. The second aim was to determine the changes in leadership understanding during the training stages in order to help beginners. A total of 60 graduates participated in the basic stage, upper stage and graduates of the role atom scale which was formed for these purposes. The first five characteristics of the respondents were most creative, reassuring, empathizing, listening and intuitive, respectively; The first five features placed on the ring closest to the center were being creative, empathetic, reassuring, listening and intuitive. 


Future in Organization and Sociometry, Nihal Özarslan-Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2006  


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 



In order to carry out organizational development studies, the organization structure and characteristics should be analyzed in line with the long- and short-term objectives of the organization. Besides, the needs should be determined and the training and consultancy program should be organized specific to the institution. In this thesis, firstly the reasons of development and change in organizations were examined and then, the importance of creativity and spontaneity and sociometry techniques that can be used for this purpose were examined. Sociometry test, sociometric perception test and social atomic scale were used. The results, applications and evaluations of the study conducted with the aim of making the social reality of the organization visible to the problems of interaction among employees with sociometry group techniques were made. 

A Curative Effect of Creativity in Psychodrama, Çiğdem Vatansever-Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2006  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Psychodrama is a treatment method that is open to the experiences that expand the psychodramatic process with its creator Moreno. There is an unlimited potential to unify all art branches such as drama, music, visual arts, and dance. Psychodrama as a method of action is highly compatible with art. Because engaging in art and presenting a work of art is also an action-based process. While the action in psychodrama is on the stage, there is a smaller scene in creative art activities, consisting of paper, paint or clay. In the first part of the thesis, Moreno's creativity philosophy, spontaneity theater and artistic roots of psychodrama were examined. Then, the concepts of creation and improvement in psychodrama, creative thinking, and creative personalities, how humanity is healing in the process of creation, symbols, and images as the language of creation and concepts of therapeutic effect and the combination of psychodrama and creative art therapy are included. 

The Quantum Reality of Sociometry and Psychodrama, Celik Turpoglu Aysın-Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2006 


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 



This study aims to explain the sociometry theories and practices by laws of nature and physics even though it is not clear how. For this reason, sociometry theories, quantum theory and neuropsychology that are considered as three seperate field was brought into together in this study together to explain sociometry theory and its basic concepts. Not every concepts of sociometry but the two concepts of sociometry that are “tele” and “philosophical frame” were taken into account in a broad manner.

A Psychodramatic Model of Social Skills Development in Children, Ozturk Sonnur-Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2006 


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 



Children with weak social skills and deprived of the opportunity to learn the necessary skills are increasingly left alone because they cannot properly initiate or maintain relationships with their peers. Therefore, it is important to prepare a variety of educational programs that provide preventive and developmental services in order to provide children with the necessary social skills. The aim of this thesis was to provide information about theories, methods and practices related to social skills in children, as well as psychodrama and social skills development model with psychodrama and social skills development training program to help children who are less accepted by their peers to develop their friendship relations. 

Art Psychodrama, Yurtsever Pakize Asena- Psychodramatist.  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2006 


Supervisor: Psy. M.A.Deniz Altinay, Psychodrama Therapist - President of Institute 



This study is about the idea of using Intermodal Art Therapy and Psychodrama schools together to form a strong structure from the combination of two schools. Firstly, to explain the reasons for the formation of this study, both schools were examined in a limited way and the primary features of the causes and formation were tried to be explained. The aim of this study was to explain the emergence of psychodrama and art therapies and discuss the developmental processes and to present the purpose and meaning of this practice called art psychodrama. Secondly, in An Art Psychodrama model was introduced in detail with its philosophy, basic elements and process. Finally, in the 10-session practice section, concrete examples of practical applications of Art Psychodrama were presented and detailed explanations were given. 

Treatment of Obesity with Psychodrama, Akman Banu -Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute - Graduation Thesis 2006 


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


The use of psychodrama techniques for treatment of obesity was investigated in this study. It was aimed in the study to make visible the facts that are observed in obese individuals by psychodrama such as putting different meaning to eating, difficulty in expressing the self, incompetence to show emotions and difficulty in dealing with stigmatization in society. Because psychodrama allows making things visible in reality, it was hypothesised that people first meet themselves and therefore increase their awarenes about their situation which in turn helps people to discover the underlying problem of their weigh gain. The results support the hypothesis of the study. 

The Effect of Psychodramatic Application with Adolescents on Sociometric Choices, Feyza Gökalp Özargil- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2006 


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Sociometry stays in the middle between sociology, psychology, psychiatry, and psychological counseling and guidance. According to J. L. Moreno, the goal of sociometry is not only reveal the interpersonal motives but also helps people to hold on to the World by providing spontaneity and creativity. The goals of psychological counseling and guidance are the same as sociometry. Besides, psychodrama techniques can be used in this field because, just like psychodrama, it aims to improve people’s strengths and help them to adapt to their environment. This study aims to increase the adolescences rate to be chosen in terms of sociometry by using psychodrama techniques. 

The Use of Genosociogram on Couples Psychodrama, Meral Yıldırım Keskin- Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2006 


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



A genosociogram is a family tree that includes important intergenerational histories, events, and sociometric links between individuals. Genograms investigate the repetitive or changing patterns of relationships within different generations. This makes recognizing each other's marital relationship easier for the couple while keeping the current issue in focus. The aim of this thesis was to create a psychodramatic model for couples after research on the effect of their ancestors and family trees on their choices. 

Psychodrama of Parents in Child Psychotherapy, Perin Bilgen Turan- Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2006  


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



When Moreno was a medical student in Vienna, he laid the foundations of a single-centered group concept during his work with children in the gardens of Vienna. This reached the most fundamental theory of psychodrama, which is the role theory. In this study, first of all, the perspective of psychodrama to the family, role development processes and the relationship between psychopathology and parental attitudes were theoretically explained. Then, in parallel with the child group, the characteristics, objectives, techniques that were used were given. Finally, the parent group model and the group practices were presented. 

Proposal of Triadic System as an Development Model: The Sociodramatic Corporate Therapy, Görgün Mine - Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2008  


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


Nowadays, the constantly changing and developing conditions of business life have led the employees, managers and experts to search for techniques and methods to provide the most appropriate response to these conditions. This study aimed to investigate how a psychodrama theory and its application methods can offer a solution to this problem encountered in Organization and Industrial Life, and to define a theoretical and practical approach. First, the characteristics, requirements and function of an active organization change / development process and the philosophy of the psychodrama triadic system, the working characteristics and the areas of functionality it offers were compared. Secondly, the common study areas resulting from the comparison were identified and necessary queries were made to implement these areas. Sociodrama, which is included in the triadic system approach, has been found to constitute a wide field of work for organizations and healthy organization life, and the techniques of this method have been discussed one by one. After the theoretical research and its findings were compiled in this way, implementation of the application phase, the factors revealed by the practice were investigated and evaluated. 

Psychodrama with Adolescents- Arzu Soysal – Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute- Graduation Thesis, 2008 


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Learning in action, engaging new experiences in a safe environment, being in a group and encountering various adults in various relationships make psychodrama a unique and powerful method in working with adolescents. In this study, the psychodrama methods and the important features were discussed by considering the characteristics of adolescence. Firstly, role theory in terms of puberty and self-perception was discussed. Then, psychodrama for adolescents in terms of the fundamentals of both psychodrama and psychotherapy techniques was evaluated. Lastly, the fundamentals and the process of psychodrama with adolescents were explained. 

Reaching Catharsis in Psychodrama, Başak Bengisu Dinçsoy-Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute- Graduation Thesis, 2008 


Adviser: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Catharsis, which emerged in the tragedy of Aristotle in Ancient Greek Philosophy, found its therapeutic meaning in Moreno's psychodrama scene. In this thesis study, the meaning and therapeutic history of catharsis, catharsis in different schools, the investigation of catharsis in therapeutic spirals and applications, and the types of catharsis, catharsis, sociodrama and catharsis dynamics in psychodrama were examined. 

The Process of Forgiveness and Its application- Ebru Özlü Amasyalı Istanbul  

Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2010 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


This thesis deals with the compelling life events in human relations, and the process of forgiveness. According to Pennebaker (1989), the chronic suppression of thoughts, emotions, and endeavoring behaviors has negative effects on resources and builds up pressure on the organism. Psychodrama provides with its techniques to process the suppressed experiences in the cognitive and emotional level which in turn decrease the pressure caused by suppressing them and enable them to be analyzed. Psychodrama supports the person who is in the process to forgive if not by being the protagonist, by role-taking, increase the person’s role flexibly and broaden the role repertoire. Hence, this leads the person to change the behavior motives that are not useful anymore. Moreover, catharsis is provided to be experienced in the suppressed emotions on the psychodrama stage. In this study, after the compulsory experiences in life were discussed, the forgiveness process was taken into account. 

Being a Negative Star in an Adolescent Group and a Psychodramatic Intervention Model Through Family Tree, Zerrin Gündüz- Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2008  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir Psychodrama Trainer 



The aim of this thesis was to investigate the treatment process of the impulse stars by developing psychodramatic intervention method over the family tree and sociometry which psychodrama treats as a special field. For this purpose, 9 students were determined by using sociometry criterion test questions and 9 students who did not get any votes were determined and 11 sessions were held. As a result of the study, according to the role theory, it is revealed that those who experience sociometric loneliness may have two kinds of psychopathology. Neurotic regression and psychotic regression. Neurotic regression has emerged as a psychopathology related to sociometric loneliness of adolescents who experience oppression and violence. Psychotic regression was found to occur in adolescents with separation anxiety. According to this, it was found that adolescents who had sociometric loneliness had other relatives in their family trees who had problems in the context of these two psychopathologies and reflected them to protagonists through intergenerational transmission. The discovery of these generations of connections and the psychodramatic intervention through it has proven to have a therapeutic effect. 

The Concept of Death Concept in Psychodrama and the Process of Completion, Refika Özkan- Psychodramatist.  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2008. 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Institute Coordinator. 



Life and death are intertwined, and are interdependent. Behind the scenes of life, death is constantly making a voice and has a major impact on one's life. Death studies performed with psychodrama allow one to experience the feeling of death while living. Experiencing the feeling of death supports one's escape from the fear of death and completion. Psychodrama increases the awareness, creativity and spontaneity of individuals working on the concept of death. The aim of this thesis was to design models that will support the completion process of individuals by studying the concept of death with psychodrama. For this reason, the physical, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions of death were examined first. Then the place of death in psychodrama was discussed. Finally, models that support the process of death and completion are explained. 

Ritual, Mythology and The Origins of Psychodrama, Hatice Subaşı - Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2008 


Supervisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Institute Coordinator 



Mythology is the way of explaining life and death, joy and sadness, existence and absence of ancient civilizations. The interplay of mythology and ritual creates drama. Rituals also have common links with psychodrama as the action aspect of mythology. Rituals force man to exceed his own limits, leading to purification and self-recognition. If the stage is an indispensable structure for psychodrama, the stage created for the sreguing of the rituals has been both sacred and indispensable. The aim of this study was to examine the concepts of psychodrama, mythology and ritual and to investigate the relationship between psychodrama techniques and stages with mythology and ritual. 


The Truth of Social Consciousness Sociodrama - İnci Gürhan- Psychodramatist.  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2008  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



Sociodrama is an important practice that enables societies to recover and to provide protective mental health. It looks at our collective roles we have brought from the past and works on a problem that the group sees as a common problem. Just as an individual's psychology determines the past, the story; The health of the society also determines the past. Just as a person is healthier by confronting his own past and surviving the traumas he experiences, society becomes healthier by confronting his own past; looks stronger and healthier to the future. The aim of this thesis was to provide information about sociodrama and its application areas, and especially to investigate co-unconscious ve and to deal with the issue why societies need treatment. This study aimed to give information about sociodrama and its application areas, especially in terms of the co-unconscious and how to seek answers to the question of how the group helps each other and to look at why societies need treatment. 

Existentialist Psychodrama: Existence in Psychodrama  

Ayşe Erçetin-Psychodramatist Istanbul Psychodrama Institute- Graduation Thesis, 2008 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Jacob L. Moreno says “Each psychodrama session is an existentialist experience which contains fundamental information for existential theory”. This thesis aims to create a model by using the concepts and techniques of psychodrama that provide a psychodrama group environment with fundamental components to deal with existential concerns. This thesis focused on the positive effects of existential concerns on human development. Both existential and psychodrama therapies were found to have similar aspects such as learning by doing and having strong philosophies behind. Then, the therapeutic effects of existential psychodrama were investigated. The relationship between the basic concepts of psychodrama and existential concerns was examined. The importance of therapist’s role and ability to cope with existential concerns in existential psychodrama was also emphasized in the study. The applications of existential psychodrama were investigated. Finally, considering that birth is subjected to existentialism, a psychodrama session for pregnant women was designed. 

Moment, God and Moreno: The Philosophical Discussion of God and Defication Concepts in Psychodrama and Sociometry, Bilun Altunlu Armağan-Psychodramatist. 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute- Graduation Thesis, 2008 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Jacob Levi Moreno is a doctor and thinker who lived between 1892 and 1974. He did not only create impressive determinations and method theories in psychology and psychotherapy, but also expressed his views on theology, philosophy, metaphysics, sociology, and psychology in his writings and thoughts. Then, he combined them with practical methods and social actions. Although Moreno's ideas, discourses, and methods, theories and methods have been proved in time, there is still a need to study and do research on them. Fort his reason, the subject of this study is Moreno’s opinions and thoughts about God and how they affect the systems of sociometry, psychodrama and spontaneity theatre and how they affect people. 


The Effect of Spontaneity on Sociometric Solitude, Emel Öztürk Bodur- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2008. 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



Healthy generations create healthy communities. Each individual is born by his spontaneity and is shaped by his parents. Our children can be selected, can perform themselves, etc. The possibilities are only possible with spontaneous action. They experience a wide variety of roles as they increase their spontaneity and develop creative behaviors that meet their psychological needs. Learning of all children up to a certain age develops spontaneously. Shortly thereafter parents enter into their world unhappy with things that children do not need. After a while, the child starts experiencing a lack of spontaneity and difficulty in spontaneous action. He then becomes an adult with psychological problems. The lack of spontaneity is the cause of all this. The aim of this study was; in fact, it is to prove that each individual has a congenital spontaneity which is disrupted by the wrong interventions of the parents, but it can also be chosen by others. College 2. Class students were given the sociometry test as a pre-test to find out the rejection and attraction stars. After this, they were given the spontaneity test as a pre-test as well. Rejection stars had low scores both of them. By the light of the test results, 10 sessions of spontaneity training were set up for rejection stars to get their suppressed spontaneity to the surface. After 10 sessions, rejection stars were given spontaneity tests as post-test and the result was in favor of them. To see if the training in spontaneity caused any sociometric changes for rejection stars, the sociometry test was given to the whole group as a post-test. Rejection stars chose each other. In other words, they became aware of each other. 

Psychodrama and Sufism (Islamic Mysticism), Şeref Algur - Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2008 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



According to the philosophy of Sufism, the universe is a single entity and this single entity is God. This single entity is called the absolute body. The most important feature of God is his creativity, and God has limited human creativity to see his own creativity. Man is an entity that wants to carry all divine features, especially creativity. Sufis, who were melted in the presence of God and became one with God, used to say “Enel Hak” that is “I am God” to describe this situation. In this thesis, the similarities between the fundamental concepts of Sufism and psychodrama philosophy are examined. 

Comparison of Social Atom and Family Atom of Stars’ and Negative Stars’ and Development of a Psychodramatic Model for Them, Ece Cengizalp Adanalı-Psikodramatist.  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2008.  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


Pre-adolescent children’s social atoms start to change as they pass to secondary school from primary school. Their new peer relationships provide them to form new perceptions about themselves and help them to develop their personalities. Peers in the absence of parents provide security and emotional support, but they also have compelling roles. The child needs to eliminate their hunger of action and not to prevent this hunger. This study aims to help children to increase their capacity to be by themselves and to be present in the groups. First, social and family atom assessments were done and then 7 psychodrama sessions were held. Sessions provided a realization about who makes the children outsider in the family by analyzing family behavior patterns and helped them to replace healthy relationships with previous ones. According to the results, children who were able to try their new roles and behavior patterns in the safe environment provided by psychodrama, feel safer and can express their new gained patterns easily. 

Encounter in Psychodrama, Meryem Ören- Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2008 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


In this study, the periods and experiences in which the individual experiences his / her encounter with himself and others for the first time have been examined within the role theory. The development periods and the development of the courage and / or fear of the encounter in the life of the individual has been evaluated. In order to better understanding of the concept of encounter, it is necessary to consider a psychodramatic encounter within the basic elements that exist. Encounter scenes in which the individual lives in the group are realized by working with some basic approaches in psychodrama. The basic concepts and techniques in psychodrama have a structure that accelerates the process by providing both the action and resolving the resistance. In this sense, these strategies have an effect that enables interaction and encounter and accelerates understanding and change. There are, of course, many techniques and strategies that serve the process of encounter in psychodrama, but the ones that interact most with welcome and make the process work are chosen here. 

Research on The Effects of Male-Female Role Expectance on Relationship and Usage of Psychodrama as an Intervention Method, Ebru Kiremitçi, Psikodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2008 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


Psychodrama reflects real-life situations, roles, and conflicts in an experimental environment which is “therapy theater”.  Psychodrama techniques provide new solutions to arise when it is applied to marriage issues. In order to describe the effects and reflections of women's and men's role expectations on people, concepts such as role theory, role expectations, role integration, and role conflict are used. In this thesis, psychodrama philosophy and techniques that are based on role theory were explained, how the couple and family therapies can be applied to psychodrama is discussed. It was aimed to understand the components of women's and men's roles and reorganize the roles in terms of the needs in the relationship. The role contents that make relationship vivacious or fade were understood and which components form women and men chemistry was explained. Women and men relationships gained a new perspective by psychodrama theories, applications, and philosophy. 

The Depth of the Double in Genosociogram Applications in Psychodrama (Double Protagonist), Ayça Atasoy Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute- Graduation thesis, 2011 

Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



Double, without being the same with the protagonist, as being the missing part and being in the need for expression supports the process of the courage and spontaneity for trying new approaches. This mission can effectively be used during psychodrama applications. The deep connections that bound the double and the protagonist can be attained if their genosociograms are analyzed together. This study aims to investigate and uncover the invisible bond and connections between double and protagonist. Thereby, the main purposes are to analyze the mechanism behind the selection for a double with tele and to understand how the legacies passing within generations function for the protagonist and double. For this reason, 6 participants took part in the study and genosociograms of each participant were drawn. The results show that the protagonist and the selected double exhibit nearly the same genosociogram charts. In addition, analyzing the relationship between double and protagonist by using genosociogram, accelerates spontaneity and taking actions. 

Psychodrama of an American Adolescent: Psyhodrama of Minority and Ethnic Identitiy, Alida Tanikyan- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute- Graduation thesis, 2011 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



The difficult issues like ethnicity are not discussed in psychodrama as much as the other issues. This study aims to help the young Armenian minorities in gaining insights about the prejudices on their identity and creating a prevention and treatment model on their perceptions of social roles by psychodrama applications. Thereby, this model was expected to help Armenian individuals to leave their anxieties and to form healthy relationships in society. The model was created by considering the factors and the periods that have roles in forming these prejudices. This study consists of 6 sessions with 14 participants aged between 17 and 18. Rosenberg Self Respect Scale was used in the study. The results show that participants psychological developments changed in the positive way as expected. 

Integration of Psychodrama and Analytical Psychology: Jungien Psychodrama, Meral Sarıkaya Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation thesis, 2011 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


The co-unconscious in psychodrama is the unconscious material formed by the group above our individual unconscious. The archetypes, dreams and symbols outside the collective consciousness in analytic psychology may also be the elements that the individual carries throughout the generations and presented to the group as unconscious material. It presents a very rich space for creativity, which is the exact opposite of it, as well as many constraints suppressed in the unconscious material. Again in both schools, the individual has the potential to realize himself, looks at the individual progressively, not regressively, and helps the individual to grow and complete his / her personality. In this study, it is introduced to the scene of encounter The clues about the common points of the schools of psychodrama and analytical psychology and some common points between the two schools were investigated in terms of Moreno and Jung's theories, and Jungien psychodrama. 


What does your pain tell you? Psychosomatic Disorders and Psychodrama, Özlem Şener- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2010  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



Psychosomatic medicine is a conception of medicine that opposes the separation of soul and body and advocates that human beings are taken as a bioposicosocial whole. Psychosomatic disorder, on the other hand, is a physical illness in which mental effects play an important role. In the first part of this thesis, the definition and history of psychosomatic diseases, diagnostic characteristics, role categories in psychodrama and the connections of psychosomatic diseases, their relationships with emotions and hormones were examined. In the second part, the group model and applications of psychodrama for the treatment of psychosomatic diseases are presented. For this purpose, 7 sessions were conducted with 8 participants. Hamilton Anxiety Assessment, Beck Depression Inventory and Psychological Symptom Screening Test SCL-90R were applied to the participants. According to the results, participants' psychosomatic symptoms, depression and anxiety scores decreased. In the last part, the anxiety and depression results of the participants were compared before and after and the evaluation of the study was presented. 

A Review on Quantum and Relativity Theories in Psychodrama Group Therapy, Ekrem Demirağ Psychodramatist.  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation thesis, 2011.  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 


In psychodrama group therapies, where J.Moreno laid the foundations of psychology, it is seen that there is a completely different structure with the philosophical content of the separatist, separating, fragmenting mechanistic approaches of Newtonian theory. This difference arises from Moreno's thought structure, which considers the cosmos and the individual as a whole, and by displaying this idea in a holistic structure in group therapies. Besides, there are many similarities between the content of the concepts of creativity, spontaneity and action and the content of quantum theory in the cosmos. This study focused on the relationship between the basic concepts of psychodrama group therapies with relativity and quantum theories. The headings of the study are first, the journey to the moment, past and future, and second, view of cosmos, determinism, and energy in terms of psychodrama, quantum, and relativity theory. 

Assertiveness Training Through Psychodrama, Bilçen Süleymanali-Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2011  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 


The aim of this thesis was to reveal a new model of psychodramatic assertiveness development model. In this study, the importance of spontaneity, creativity action, and role training was discussed in the development of assertiveness. Factors leading to shyness in the theory of role pathologies were determined. It was investigated what role pathology causes shyness in cohesive individuals. An application model was created to ensure that all non-intrusive individuals healthily took all roles. This application model included spontaneous warming games and the protagonist works. This study consisted of 10 participants and the sessions took 8 weeks. The Rathus Assertiveness inventory was applied at the beginning and the end of the group. The results of the beginning and the end were compared; it was observed that participants' assertiveness was increased and group members passed from passivity to activity. 

The Religion of the Psychodramatists Shamanism, Sündüz Atay- Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation thesis, 2011 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


In this thesis, the idea although the periods of their emergence to life scenes are different, that psychodrama and shamanism are two parallel systems was discussed. In this context, the parallelism of Shamanism's definition of the cosmos, time, place, human and creation process, and the parallelism of psychodrama with respect to these phenomena through its own terminology has been handled from the perspective of din religion in the broadest sense ve and all of these projections have been examined comparatively in psychodramatist practice. 

Body Memory and Action, Derya Leblebicioğlu-Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2011  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


A physical stimulation accompanying emotion is kept in the body. Body memory is related to the habit of repeating these emotions and physical stimuli. The study focused on the body and memories that are kept in the body and hence, based on somatic roles. Somatic roles are the first categories that people acquire during the development process. Because psychodrama is based on action in terms of its techniques and philosophy, it practices on the body. This study examined, the effects of intense use of body-based psychodrama techniques on the therapy process. This study aimed to find out the memories that weaken a person’s spontaneity by using the power of action. An experimental psychodrama group was formed starting from the fact that action can minimize the resistance caused by verbal communication. The results of this study show that minimizing verbal communication made the therapeutic aspects of action more visible. 

Dream Work in Psychodrama and Its Reflection on Jungien Psychodrama, Elif Turan- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2011 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



Down the ages, there have been mythological, religion, scientific, and analytic approaches toward dreams. Psychodrama sets the bridge between dreams and external reality. Because dreams are usually representations of unconscious thoughts of the person, they are useful materials to bring them to conscious in psychodrama. The themes in dreams show a spontaneous development and hence go beyond verbal interpretations. This study first explained the explanation of dreams in psychodrama and later in Jung’s analytical theory, philosophy, techniques, symbols, and archetypes as well as Jungian psychodrama. It was aimed to create a dream-drama model. Thus, 5 psychodrama sessions about dreams were held with 8 adults. The unconscious that everything is recorded in was performed on the psychodrama stage with here and now method to reveal the reality lies under dreams, and this was integrated with Jungian psychodrama’s perspective on dreams. 

Time Travelers: The Study of Time Concept in Philosophy of the Moment in a Small Group, Zeynep Pınar Cohen -Psikodramatist. 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation thesis, 2011 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


It is a known fact that even imagining an event was perceived in the brain as if it were actually happening. In this thesis, the role of traveling between past and future tenses in analyzing the events; understanding how the philosophy of time and moment is reflected in group practice and its therapeutic value. For this purpose, first the philosophy of the psychodrama and the factors that make it possible to travel in time were examined. Then, under the title tamamlan Time Travelers Yolculuk, a 10-session group study was completed and it was explained that treatment in psychodrama scene could be done in the past and in the future. 

Resistances of the Parents in Child Psychodrama and Methods of Comping, Arzu Aydın Koç, Psychodramatist. 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute- Graduation thesis, 2011 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


Children exhibit very strong resistance in Child Psychodrama groups just like adults. One of the most important factors that feed this resistance is parental attitudes and their resistance to change. The psychological and sociological development of children is related to parents’ attitudes. However, parents who assign their children to child psychodrama groups refuse to have sessions for themselves because they believe that the problems belong to children, not to themselves. Thus, breaking this resistance of the parents and making them accept having sessions is difficult. This study consists of resistances seen in parents and methods to cope with these resistances. In doing so, the concept of resistance and the importance of cooperation with parents in child therapy was discussed. Then, the resistances seen in parents and the methods to cope with these resistances were discussed. 

Sociometry of a Couple, Ebru Baykoca Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2011 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Couples who bond their lives together with love and commitment but after marriage, they feel as if something has changed. The triadic system of Sociometry, Psychodrama and Group Therapy introduced by J. L. Moreno provides an essential model for realization, comprehension, and treatment. This study aimed to investigate the connections and what bonds individuals together as couples. Those that were analyzed in the study are, for what kind of reasons partners chose each other; what kind of roles cause relationship problems; in what family experience and structure these roles were formed. Moreover, an approach was suggested in the study based on the treatment of couples’ issues about the unconscious expectations that bonds partners with each other in a group environment. It was observed during the study that there are mother and child issues, that are needed to be worked on, in every protagonist practice. Besides, according to the data from the study, the attachment style of partners might be related to the relationship with their mothers. 

Psychodrama of Pregnancy Mental Health and Mother, Yeşim Ünalan Psychodramatist. 

 Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation thesis, 2011. 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 


The aim of this study was to ensure women with their first pregnancy look at their maternal roles and to reduce their anxiety during the pregnancy process, to teach the mother to stay at the moment, to ensure that she can enjoy the pregnancy process in a pleasant way, to combine the characteristics of the role of the mother in the future that may have a negative impact on this role and the future. For this purpose, six prospective mothers who were in their normal gestation period, who were at their 10-32 weeks of gestation, without any risk in their pregnancy, were included in the study and 8 sessions were completed. The results show that mothers are anxious and have the courage to try and create their own births. 

Psychodramatic Group Model for Managing Exam Anxiety, Canan Şenkal Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2011 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



Exams became an important part of students’ life. Exam anxiety is defined as an unpleasant emotional and emotive state with physiological, behavioral, and cognitive aspects of reaction. Bodily reactions of an anxious person are high heart beatings, tremble, desert mouth, low voice, and excessive sweating; emotional reactions are aggression, distrust, and helplessness. This study aims to apply psychodrama techniques to eliminate students’ anxiety by using spontaneity, creativity, and action so that students can get rid of thoughts and situations that prevent them from using their knowledge effectively. Fort his reason, 8 people who experience exam anxiety participated in the study. The results show that psychodrama is an effective approach to exam anxiety. The suggested model in the study supported participants to reduce their anxiety and show courage. 

Concept of Co-Unconscious: Relationship with Sociometric Choices and Its Theurapeutic Effects, Derya Inan- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation thesis, 2011 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


According to Moreno, sociometry, psychodrama and group therapy constitute a triad as a whole. Sociometry tries to answer the question of who needs and what is needed to recover. Moreno developed psychodrama group therapy, based on the fact that the person who is ill in the community should improve within the community. The auxiliary unconscious as any other concept in psychodrama cannot be distinguished from this philosophy because the concepts in Moreno’s philosophy are all related to each other. Hence, in this study, first, Moreno’s philosophy and then the auxiliary unconscious’ relationship with sociometry choices and its therapeutic effects were discussed. 

Closure in Psychodrama: A Transformation Model, Esra Tuncer 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2011 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



In this study, a model was created about the closure in psychodrama based on other approaches as well as psychodrama. According to this model, individuals who have not internalized the healthy attachment-separation process face obstacles during the closure. Therefore, the foundations of successful closure are in the whole process of psychodrama. Closure stages shape individual development and skills. The model presented in the study a transformation model and in fact, suggests that there is no absolute end. The last is the beginning of our new journey by embracing all the winners of the process. 


The Woman Finds Her Role in Psychodrama: Exploring the Women Role in Psychodrama, Derya Eryaşar Yıldız-Psikodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2012 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



People live as belonging to a particular race, class, ethnic group, gender, and assume roles that are appropriate to their belongings. The most resistant molds against time are the "femininity" and "masculinity" roles and the patterns of their relationship and typic behaviors. The theories that shape the therapy process such as the historical and social dynamics underlying the role of gender roles and femininity was taken into account. It was aimed to prevent the reproduction of sexist rhetoric, and create a process that makes the individual cared and valued. Feminist therapy, whose subject is female, was mentioned in this study as a subtitle. While feminist therapy has benefited from the opportunities offered by psychodrama and has frequently used psychodramatic methods within the framework of its theoretical orientation, it provides an important alternative to sexist approaches, but it has limitations to be addressed in this topic. In this study, the possibilities offered by psychodrama to therapists working with clients with gender-based gender roles in the community, at the root of their problems, will be considered, taking into account the points where it overlaps and differentiates with feminist therapy. 

The Treatment of Cigarette Addiction by Using Psychodrama Techniques, Yeşim Kul  


Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2013  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



In this thesis, the main causes of cigarette addiction in terms of role development periods in psychodrama were examined and the relationship between the formation of pathologies and cigarette addiction was investigated from psychodramatic point of view. Besides,the development of addiction is explained conceptually according to other schools of psychology. In the last part of the study, 8 week psychodrama group sessions aimed at ending smoking addiction were explained in detail. 

Psychodramatic Approach and Resistance Analysis in Single Double Model,Aysen Zorer Psychodramatist 
Istanbul Psychodrama Institute- Graduation Thesis, 2012 


Supervisor: Neşe Karabekir Expert Psychologist- Psychodrama Instructor - Institute Coordinator 



This thesis was conducted to show the positive effects of psychodrama techniques on couple and family therapies. For this purpose, one couple was participated in the study. After the preliminary interviews with the couple, eight sessions were held. The study aimed to increase the couple’s confidence in each other, to embody their perceptions of each other and therefore increase their awareness about each other and their relationship. Psychodramatic techniques were used in the study in order to increase the couple’s role flexibility, to examine their role atoms and to improve their creativity and spontaneity, and to break their resistance. The results show that psychodrama techniques helped participants to become aware of their needs that were ignored in the relationship, recognize their emotions, to embody their perceptions of each other and their relationships, and therefore helped to restructure their relationships. 

Death, Loss, Mourning Concepts in Psychodrama and A Model Proposal, Banu Temel, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute - Graduation Thesis, 2012 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Robopathy is staying in known and therefore living unexplored. A robopathic person lives according to obsessions and habits. When robopathic people discover that their robopathic behaviors are barriers in front of their wishes, if their spontaneity, action, and creativity are released, their consciousness and belief about how their life should be increase by role changing and residual reality techniques of psychodrama. It was hypothesized in the study to change the robotpathic behaviors of the person by using the concept of death and loss in the manner of facilitating growth for the person, questioning and finding the meaning of life. For this reason, psychodrama sessions were held with 11 people for 9 weeks. The results of the sessions show that the main change was the anxiety level about death and participants gain courage as they face their fears. 

Utilization of Music and Sound in Psychodrama, Berrak Artemiz- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute- Graduation Thesis 

Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



Today, music emerges as an important remedy. Music and drama are two separate arts bound together in a historical and cultural sense. Forms such as opera, musicals have come together in cultural processes and thus a new form has been formed in art. Psychodrama is a rich method on its own, but also has a clear and rich potential in terms of complementarity. In the psychodrama scene, psychodramatic methods are used to reduce verbal interactions. The use of music and voice in psychodrama, as a method of reducing the voice of action and opening the voice of action, comes out as a quality to strengthen the element of action. The aim of this study was to strengthen the action method of psychodrama with the music and voice and to give a strong breath to the psychodrama. The aim of the workshop was to be a qualified reference source for psychodrama to lead to musical experiences. For this reason, 6 sessions were held with 7 participants.The results of the study were that music and voice as kinds of actions in psychodrama that facilitate warming up, opens up unconsciousness and loosen resistance. 

Psychodramatic Treatment of Psychosomatic Stomach and Intestines Disorders, Burcu Durak, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2013  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



The role stages that have a critical role in personal development are certain precursors of psychosomatic diseases. Regression, jump, and instability of these roles result in psychotic and neurotic diseases. These stages include several years of human life from the fetus period. It was explained in the study which part of the human body is sensitive and which psychosomatic diseases occur in which stage based on role development stages. Psychodrama examines which psychopathological syndromes occur as any problem occurs between stages. This study aims to bring the person back to the stages where the problem occurred by experiencing reality twice on the stage. The results show that psychodrama has therapeutic effects on individuals to be purified from the traumatic effects of these problems. 

Attention Deficiency and Being in The Moment (Psychodramatic Intervention on Children with Attention Deficiency), Gülşen Büyükşahin-Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2013 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



This study aimed to reveal the similarities and connections between the concept of being in the moment and the state of attention and concentration, and to create a psychodrama group program to increase the attention time of the children who were diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. In Moreno's theory; how the baby communicates with others from birth and how it interacts is the main factor that constitutes the personality structure of the individual and this is the basis of the problems that the individual experiences. The spontaneous togetherness and action that started with the birth of the baby and the mother should continue in the life of the child. The relationship between mothers, to be together, to be together, baby relationship is disrupted for all reasons that prevent spontaneous (Altınay, 2009). In this study, it was aimed to look at the problem of distraction from this point of view and to benefit from this point of view. In the literature, the concept of attention deficit has been studied from different perspectives and it has been tried to be treated with alternative methods such as drug therapy, education programs, various psychotherapy techniques and even outdoors walking exercises. However, the subject was discussed in this study for the first time in terms of sociometry and psychodrama. 

Concretization According to “Moment” Philosophy in Psychodrama, Merih Ünsal Dere-Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2012 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



One of the techniques of psychodrama was to make the entire psychodrama visible. The fact that everything is real and visible in the stage of life has fast and effective consequences for the person while people reach their past experiences in psychodrama scenes with the method of concreteization, The aim of this thesis was to reveal that one of the hypnotic phenomena, gitme going to the past memories somut, is connected with each other by embodying the psychic mechanisms such as memory, thought, remembering and re-living with the technique of embodying them. 

Approach on Love with Basic Concepts of Psychodrama: Analysis of the “Lover” Role According to Moreno’s Role Theory, Muharrem Çapkın Psychodramatist  

İstanbul Psychodrama Institute - Graduation Thesis, 2013. 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



Love is one of the most important emotions and it is the capacity to love with great pleasure. It gives uncontrollable and intense excitement. It is known that if one's life is lived in a healthy and safe way, his / her self-confidence and self-esteem increases, changes his / her self and feels competent. The lover role encompasses many unknowns and has a lot to do with psychodrama. In this sense, it is important to consider the psychodrama's view of love and its role in love. In this study, by looking at love from a psychodramatic point of view, the equivalents of the basic concepts of psychodrama in the process of falling in love are discussed, and the roles of the person in love are examined under the light of Moreno's role theory. Moreno thought of creating a model for psychological health rather than psychopathology. In this study, not the pathological aspect of love, but the healthy side was discussed. 

Psychodramatic Intervention Model for Mobbing Victims, Nuray Alper Psychodramatist –  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2012 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


Although there are theses in various disciplines on mobbing, there are very few studies on the treatment of mobbing victims. The requirements for the treatment of the victim during the mobbing process are in line with what Moreno aims to establish in the sociometry system. The mobbing process is often perceived by the victim as being left out and left alone, not only by the mobbing practitioner, but also by the system in which he or she is. The aim of this thesis was to present a psychodramatic intervention model in the treatment of mobbing victims in order to get rid of the disadvantageous situation of mobbing victims in the light of psychodrama theory which takes philosophical foundations from sociometry. The study was started with 6 people and continued with 5 people. The results show that there was a 50% decrease in the emotional sub-roles of the group members who felt angry, helpless and lonely. 

Creating The Future by Using Psychodrama Techniques,  Perihan Sayın, Psychodramatist,  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2013 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


The aim of the thesis was to explain how the present moment is missed because of the obstacles of the past and the anxiety of the future through the use of psychodrama applications and models based on wide philosophy. According to Moreno, everyone and everything is part of God. In the Kosmos model, God is in everyone. Everyone and everything is God's expressions, while everyone is also creative. With this belief, if a person perceives time correctly and can live the moment, he can create both his own life and the universe in the desired direction. Therefore, in the scope of the thesis, special attention was paid to the philosophy of the moment, cosmos and time. 

Horizontal and Vertical Sociometric Comparisons of Elementary School Students, 

Pınar Aydın Bıyıklı-Psychodramatist,  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2013. 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


The origin of sociometry is based on Moreno's process of observing and interpreting human beings. Sociometry offers more than the information obtained through observation and interview. The aim of this thesis was to help each student, teacher and administrator in the education system with the correct application and evaluation of the sociometry test and the data obtained. In this study, two different criteria that are functionality-academic and entertainment-social were used. In this study, it was provided to evaluate and explain the relationship of primary school students' groups without making any changes in the social environment through sociometry. When the groups were examined in terms of academic criteria, it was seen that there were complex sociometric patterns in the first, second and seventh grades; In terms of social criteria, it is seen that there are complex sociometric patterns only in the eighth grade. 

The Comparison Between the Family Family Atoms, Parental Attitudes’ Atoms and Emotional Atoms within The Ones Who Have Retarted Siblings, Reyhan Çakmak Yeşilova- Psychodramatist,  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute - Graduation Thesis, 2013 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


The psychodrama scene or group was an area where our social lives are exhibited on a micro level. Brotherhood is one of the important relationship formats in the family. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of having a disabled sibling in the choices of individuals' lives by using social atomic philosophy. In this study, social relations landscape was used as a model of social atom which enables us to see the whole social networking of individuals with disabled siblings. In addition, considering the connection of these relationship networks with the concept of social atom, family atom, parental attitude atom and emotion atom studies related to disabled sibling are included. Six people participated in the study and a single 4-hour session was held. When individuals with disabled siblings fail to achieve the satisfaction they expect from their sibling relationship, they shape their choices throughout life to overcome this deficiency. Despite the limited duration of the study, the results are consistent with the results of other studies. This proves that sociometry is a reliable data collection tool in group dynamics. 

Analysis of Psychosomatic Gynocological Disorders in Psychodrama, Saffet Yazan Vurdem- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute - Graduation Thesis, 2013. 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



Each of our emotions has a physiological counterpart, and somatization is one of the ways in which it emerges. In the first part of this thesis, psychosomatic gynecological diseases are explained according to the role theory. Then, other theories' approaches to psychosomatic gynecological diseases and their explanations are explained. In the psychodrama group which was formed according to the application model planned for treatment, 6 women with psychosomatic gynecological diseases were studied for 8 weeks. The SCL90-R scales, which are the Beck Depression Scale and psychological symptom screening scale, were applied to the group members as pre-test and post-test before and after the group experience and the results were discussed in the evaluation section. Women's awareness, illness healing and empathy and communication skills increased. 

Encounter in Psychodrama, Suna Çetin-Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2013 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



In this study, the concepts that are encounter, which is one of the basic concepts of psychodrama, the philosophy of psychodrama and its place in the basic concepts, the basic techniques used for encounter, the elements of the encounter, the mother-baby encounter which is an important encounter and its importance were disscussed in terms of the effect of the first relationship periods, role development stages. In addition, the sessions of the six-session experience group were presented in the appendix and detailed information was given on the application and results. The study was planned as six sessions of three hours and seven participants participated in the study. At the end of the study, it was seen that participants' awareness about themselves and others increased and gained new perspectives. 

Effects of Parental Attitudes on Child Spontaneity, Teri Granti Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis 2012  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The personality structure, behaviors and spontaneity of the child are influenced by the structure of the family, the behaviors of the parents and the ways of establishing relationships. Parents' difficulties in their own lives and negative emotions (fear, anxiety, anger) are reflected to the child and strict rules prevent the child's spontaneous attitudes and diminish creativity. A child whose spontaneity is not hindered naturally becomes more creative and his ability to produce solutions increases. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the effects of the relationship of the child with the parents on the creativity and spontaneity of the child and to propose a treatment model that increases the spontaneity. Therefore, a six-session study was conducted to investigate the effects of different parental attitudes on children's behaviors and spontaneity. During the sessions, warming studies were conducted to examine the attitudes and their effects on the child. With the help of action, spontaneity and empathy studies, mothers were able to become more flexible and spontaneous. 

Research on Commitment Patterns in Close Relations and Psychodrama As Safe Base in Restructuring, Dr.Psk. Yeşim Türköz-Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The aim of this thesis is to establish a bridge between John Bowlby's Attachment Theory and Sociometry in Psychodrama systems that was developed by Jacob Levy Moreno, who grew up from the psychoanalytic tradition. Hence, the psychodrama has proven theoretically and practically to provide a suitable neuropsychological platform for activating, investigating, making visible, and then restructuring infantile attachment patterns. For this purpose, a 12-session psychodrama study consisting of 20 members was conducted. The results of the statistics show that there has been a positive change between the average scores of the preliminary and final measurements. 

Psychodrama and Sports, Zeynep Aydoğan Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2013 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



In this thesis, the concept of role and the roles of athletes were conceptually explained. After that, how psychodrama leads behavioral changes occur in team sports and active and directed imagination studies were explained. The primary goal in team sports is to psychologically support the player and the coach, in order to achieve success. For this purpose, 8 weeks of psychodrama sessions were held with a staff of 12 people. The contribution of psychodramatic warm-up games and techniques to the formation of team spirit, players' recognition of themselves and their team, coach and player communication, performance enhancement and continuity were discussed in the last section. The problems experienced in the team were easily identified by psychdrama techniques and the solutions were reached more easily. 




Creating the Future: A Psychodramatic Model Study- Ayşegül Somçelik-Köksal Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute- Graduation Thesis, 2014 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


The essence of psychodrama is in creativity and spontaneity. It is so difficult to create for people who cannot behave spontaneously. Considering that the future is also included in the creation process, the obstacles in front of the future were investigated under the subheadings of courage and creativity. The sociometry and its relationship with the creation of future were emphasized and psychodrama’s strength in reflecting the reality and importance in discovering what is wished for. In the last section, warm-up games and expressionist techniques that can be used in the suggested model  about wanting and creating the future were discussed. The psychodrama sessions were held with six people for six months. In line with the aim of the study, participants first performed a collage work to embody their wishes.  Then, psychodrama sessions were held for realizing the obstacles stands in front of their wishes. At the end of the study, it was observed that people realized what their wishes are and psychodrama sessions provided them support to make their wishes come true. 

Universal Reality in Psychodrama- Betül Dursun Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute - Graduation Thesis, 2014 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



In psychodrama, a reality’s theoretical analyzing, understanding and living are done here and now. Such as experiencing residual reality, making sociometric choices, and role changing techniques accelerate examining and perceiving the reality. The integrity that includes the past, now, and future is ensured with learning which contains the mind, language, and body together. In this study, a model was formed and suggested according to the effective techniques in widen reality perception. The sociometry techniques were used to analyze the results. It was observed that there is an increase in in-group members’ total score of sociometric perceptions and the participants’ perception expansion was seen at the beginning level. The results and the psychodramatic meaning of the model application were discussed and the improvable aspects and the contributions to the future application were taken into account. 

Spontaneity As a Guarantee For Existence and Psychodrama As an Interplay Between Anxiety and Freedom, Canan Cantürk Kaya-Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis 2014 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 


Anxiety is a situation in which a lot of people suffer from despite the degree vary from person to person. Therefore, people, by take the risk of making concessions, adopt to the behavior patterns that were tried before and accepted by society not to experience anxiety. This results in becoming a mechanic person far from creativity who gives the same reactions in the same situations as the others and defend the others' opinions without truly believing rather than defending own opinions. This study aims to create an applied psychodrama model which leads people to experience risk-taking by doing and ensure people to take risks. 

A Discussion on the “Inspector” Role and “Alienation” in Psychodrama, Kevser Özlem İlbeyli- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2014  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The fact that individuals living in industrial societies were not allowed to live their spontaneity and their ability to desire. Their needs were ignored and shaped according to social requirements cause alienation. Inspection is an important point of control and authority within the organizations in this society and this culture has created the role of inspection. The aim of this study is to examine the atoms and interactions of the role of inspector through psychodrama. From this point of view, the social atoms and professional atoms of the “Inspectors” were examined and the similarity of these values to the atoms of values and the depth of alienation were discussed. The results show that the individual is neglecting his / her talent and needs and shaping his / her potential according to social requirements and occupational role. 

Psychodrama and Grief-Nurhak Sönmez-Psikodramatist-  

İstanbul Psychodrama Institute-Graduation Thesis, 2014.  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The person’s loss of job, of health or any organ, abandonment by the person he loves is defined as loss. Deaths of loved ones affect the person deeply. Recovery requires acceptance of the loss to some extent (Blatner, 2000). Based on this necessity, the aim of the present study is to take a psychodramatic study model that will help people to handle emotional experiences through psychodrama at the moment of loss and subsequent mourning. In addition, it was aimed to contribute to the personal development of the participants by evaluating the concepts of death and the latest from a new perspective, and through studies that will enable them to encounter and process their own mortality. A 10-week study was conducted with a group of 9 people. Beck depression inventory and basic mourning items scale were used. The results showed a significant reduction in the symptoms of depression at the end of 10 weeks and an increase in the ability to think without pain and to reinvest in life, one of the important indicators of completed mourning. 

A Psychodramatic Perspective on Autism Spectrum Disorders And A Model For Their Treatment-Sibel Aslantepe Psychodramatist   

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2014  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



According to Moreno’s role theory, due to the anxiety that occurs through the first relationships with the mother, regression, progression and obsessive behavior occur in the roles of the baby. In this study, it was aimed to address Autism Spectrum Disorder with psychodrama method, to investigate and to establish treatment methods beyond genetic or neurological factors fort his disorder. In addition, it was also aimed to to explain the therapeutic application techniques and the healing effects of psychodrama in Autism which was defined as social-communication disorder. For this purpose, two different groups of children between the ages of 6-8 and 8-10 were designed and 10-session studies were conducted. Social Compliance Scale and Gilliam Autistic Rating Scale were used in the study. As a result of the study, positive and healthy progress was observed in children and it was observed that cognitive, emotional and behavioral areas were improved and new skills were acquired. 

Analyzing Motherhood Role Conflicts of Mothers Whp Have A Child With Disability And Role of Psychodrama, Songül Mutlu- Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2014 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The difficulties experienced by the disabled child in the role of the mother can lead to disruptions in the mother's relationship with herself, her child and her environment, and the mother's troubles in the psychic world. The aim of this study was to discuss the differences in the role of motherhood with respect to normal mothers, role conflicts and these conflicts with psychodrama, not being able to stay at the moment, not to perform spontaneous and creative actions, and the role of being a mother of disabled children, especially in the process starting with the loss of healthy children of mothers. The study consisted of 12 mothers with handicapped children as the experimental group and 12 mothers with normal children as the control group. Role Atom Scale and Spontanity Test were used for data collection. It was observed that while the sub-roles of the mothers with disabled children were placed on role atoms at the beginning of the group, negative sub-roles were given priority at the end of the study. 

Expanding The Role of Adolescents Who are “Isolates” And Enabling Their Capacity to be Choosen Through Psychodrama, Şirvan Aydın- Psychodramatist   

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2014 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Man is a moving, natural, creative and social being, just like the nature and the universe itself. These characteristics of a person are sometimes limited and sometimes completely stopped. The way that each person can create a sense of self and get rid of the feeling of inability and insufficiency through establishing healthy relationships with others. The aim of this thesis is to develop role repertoires of adolescents who were pushed or not selected by their own groups for various reasons. It was aimed to do so through sociometry and psychodrama. It was envisaged that when these conditions are met, they can be selected by their groups. To this end, 8 psychodrama sessions were completed with a total of 8 ninth grade students who were pushing stars and experienced sociometric loneliness. As a result of the studies, the election votes of all students for presociometry test increased. 

Process of Creating Warm-Up Activities and Psychodrama, Zeynep Arasan Özbay-Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2014 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



This thesis emphasizes the place and importance of warming and warming games in the psychodrama. In addition, determinations were made about what is necessary in the process of creating a warming game and an interpretation about the effect of psychodrama on this process was given into account. In the last part of the study, explanations about how to select a warming game, how to give instructions and what spontaneous interventions can be done during the game were explained. 

“Faith” in Psychodrama and Working on Personal Beliefs’ Formation Process through Psychodrama and Sociometry; “I believe therefore I’m” - Esra Bilik-Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2015 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Aim and Hypothesis: The aim of the thesis is exploring the requirements, motives and experiences that have significiant influence on the comprising of belief pattern of the individuals. Within this framework, forming the belief processes of the people particularly by parental attitude and significant experiences are comprised the primary hypothesis of the study; resembling the parents as being the first creatûrs at baby’s life with "creator" and" religion" concepts will be the second hypothesis as well. Method: 7 adults who have psychodrama group experience have been incorporated into the study on the basis of voluntary principle. In the study; "Family Atom Scale”, "Social Atom Scale"," Belief Atom Scale’’," Traumatic Experince Scale", "Significant Lifes Scale" have been used and psychodrama study in 8 sessions has been practiced. Findings: in accordance with the results obtained from the scales and psychodrama sessions; 2 participators who consider about themselves that they have unfair mother have been defined as "unfair" for the creator; 3 participators who specify to be exposed to violence and be punished by their mothers have been defined as creator" punisher" as well. Another participator who specify that it couldn’t create a rapport because of it’s leaving at young age; it States that doesn’t feel itself as belonging to a system so, it has been found out that the traumas are excessively and varied; instead of establishing a connection of the another one with the Creative power, committing to deep philosophy are preferred. Discussion and Conclusion: Obtained findings are parental attitudes and traumatic experiences are forming the belief improvement of the people. On the other hand, similarity of the believes about the "creator" and "parents” of 7 participators is supported the thesis of the hypothesis. Keywords: Psychodrama, Sociometry, Belief. 

Humor in Psychodrama- M. Ayla Ercenk-Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute- Graduation Thesis, 2015 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Humor and the act of laugh are effective for the formation of group cohesion and these are the factors that make this cohesion permanent. As the bonds of cohesion become visible with the sociometric choices, the members get closer. Thus, joy and laughter appear as the members get closer. By the capacity of humor to express, the group members gain different perspectives and discover different solutions to their problems. These different solutions can see and criticize themselves through the mirror technique. It has a driving force in the confrontation of the group members with their conflicts. Humor that is used in psychodrama scenes has an important role in breaking the resistance of the group members. Humor catches people who escape from their emotions and provides logic and insight to the members of the group who drowned in their negative feelings. Thus, we are confronted with the dualist structure of humor. Besides, it plays an important role in experiencing the catharsis, increasing the creativity and spontaneity of individuals, and transitions to the transcendent role. In psychodrama, humor is used as a technique for discovering the unexplained, while laughing is considered as a factor that brings relief to both group and individual. People gain insight and have an antidote effect in reducing their resistance, when humor and laugh used in an appropriate environment. In this study, the role of humor in psychodrama was discussed with details. 


Being a Protogonist From the Role of the Other(Antagonists Becoming the Protagonist), Begüm Kodalak Bilik -Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2015  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



In psychodrama group therapy, individuals bring the past and the future into the moment and resolve. Protagonist by using the role-changing technique not only observes himself but also enters the inner world of the person whose role he took. In this study, it was aimed that people change the role of the person who is important in their life, remain, complete and resolve the session as being the person who they change their role with by bringing this person’s past and future into the moment. It was hypothesized that positive change and improvement would be obversed both in person who became protagonist and in person whose role was changed by protagonist. For this reason, psychodrama sessions were held with 6 people group for 8 weeks. According to the results of the study, it was observed that people started to understand the ones who they became protagonist for and started to accept them as they are. Each member’s relationship in the group changed positively. 

Body Image and Weight Control with Adolescens by Using Psychodrama, Ebru Damla Yılmaz- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2016 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The body uses a language in the presence of psychosomatic symptoms but this can only be observed and understood through the action method in psychodrama. How adolescence perceives him/herself is related to his/her relation to “body image”. When this situation is evaluated in the light of Moreno’s role pathology theory, fixation to psychic role and regression to the somatic role are involved in the evaluation. This study aims to reveal the factors that trigger the body image formation and weight control behavior in adolescents; to develop awareness about the body-mind relationships of adolescents; to be satisfied with the psychodrama studies of the participants; to be satisfied with the physical areas and features, and to identify the differences in the levels of self-perception. Moreover, a new psychodrama model was created for working on adolescences about weight control. 

Philosophy of Moment and Developing Healty Relationships by Using “Here and Now Philosophy” in Psychodrama, Ethel Mizrahi- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2016 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Psychodrama enables people to gain awareness and stay in the moment by reducing their anxiety and healing their past. This study aimed to help people to stay in the moment and induce happiness in their lives. For this aim, practices to face the emotions by staying in the moment with the power of spontaneity that is present inborn were done. During these studies, it was aimed to start a protagonist study according to the needs of the members. In addition to developing the awareness of the members themselves, the psychodrama provided opportunities to live emotion, dream or fantasy that arises at the moment within the group. 


The Patterns in Genosociograms for Choosing Life Partners, Ezgi Başaran- Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2016  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Intergenerational repeated facts and concepts play important roles in genosociogram. Marriage, as Moreno says is a sociometric fact. Sociometry is based on individuals’ choices and it brings a deep perspective into understanding these choices. People that had previous roles in the individuals’ life and individuals' previous experiences determine their needs and expectations as well as having effects on forming their identities and personalities. In this study, the reasons why couples choose each other were investigated and aimed to discover the reflections of motives from the ongoing relationship on their pasts. With this aim, marriage and relationships were analyzed in terms of the concepts in the couples' genosociogram such as family myths, secret loyalty, injustice, anniversary syndrome marriage, and relationships. 

The Dreamdrama: The Bridge Between Dream and Reality. Realities and Their Representatives as Symbols, Özge EREL- Psychodramatist- 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute - Graduation Thesis, 2016.  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



This study aimed to discover the structure of the dynamics in the inner world and the reflections in the life of the symbols seen in the dream with the help of a powerful and versatile therapy method such as dreaming. The mystery of dreams and the meanings that scenes, objects and situations in dreams indicate in the life of the individual have been investigated in every period of history and various opinions have been put forward. Symbols seen in dreams; by providing clues to the regret of the dreamer about the past, the current experiences and concerns about the future, and to intervene in the problem areas where the person has difficulty in coping with psychotherapeutic methods such as dreaming. In dream studies, the meanings of the symbols seen in dreams and the dynamics that lie behind them are generally related to conflicts, problems, connections, etc. in the unconscious. It is thought to be associated with such mechanisms. Within the scope of the thesis, a dream study was carried out with the participation of 7 group members starting from February 2016 for 10 weeks and lasting 2 hours a week. In the thesis, 7 protagonists' dream studies are included. 

Self Repair in Psychodrama, Şule Öncü- Psychodramatist.  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2016 


Supervisor: Deniz Altinay Psychological Counselor - Psychodrama Therapist 



This thesis is based on the principle of “self-interest” that aims to improve and repair individuals' self-perception with the opportunities offered by psychodrama. In this respect, techniques consisting of structured warming games were used. In the first chapter, techniques such as encounter, concretization, role-playing, role-playing, role-playing, and understanding of social interaction through role-playing were explained. In the following sections, the techniques related to the application model was described. This psychodrama study was conducted with a group of 10 people in 14 sessions and Gilbert-Trent Social Comparison Scale and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale were used. The results of the study prove that the presented model has curative effects on self-repair. 

Role Expectations Started in Early Childhood Affects About Choosing Life Partners, Gökçen Duymaz Sidal,  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2016 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Moreno, the founder of sociometry, believed that people were constantly making choices and forming their own stories. He emphasized that interpersonal choices, in particular, were derived from the roles taken and learned in early parent relations. The first relationships with parents are the basis of all relationships. In this context, the aim of this study was to understand the formation of roles expectations about roles and others in the early period, and to investigate how our early stories are repeated in the selection of conscience, auxiliary unconscious and tele together. For this purpose, six participants with a married or romantic relationship were interviewed. After the participants were given a social atomic scale, a parent and a spouse role test, psychodramatic encounters with their double were performed. All the information collected by the participants were evaluated by taking this practice into consideration. As a result of the evaluation, it was seen that the persons they identified with their mothers and fathers in their relations and their roles had similar relations with their early relations. 


The Effects of the Baby’s Birth Memories on Spontaneous Development. Rewriting Birth Imprints by Using Psychodrama, Aylin Kula Guney Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2016 

Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



This study aims to create a psychodrama model to investigate the change in spontaneity and spontaneous behaviors of people whose negative birth records were worked on and changed with this psychodrama model. For this purpose, a psychodrama group was formed with a group of people who have, believe or feel that they have negative experiences from birth. It was aimed at the group to investigate the negative experiences from birth and change the negativity of these birth experiences. First, the spontaneity Test was applied to the group members before working on the memories. Then, the model created for the study was conducted with the group members. It was expected that the group members’ spontaneous behaviors to be released freely after working on their negative birth memories with this suggested psychodrama model. The results show that the pregnancy period and birth moment have effects on the baby’s developmental process for spontaneity. This suggested model helped people to perceive their negative loads from the moment of birth and create new records. 

Action and Ritual: The Comparison Between the Rituels from Past to Today and Psychodramatic Techniques and Functions, Zeynep Biter- Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2016 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Psychodrama is defined as the rediscovery of reality through dramatization. When we move from primitive communities to historically closer communities, such dramatized experiences, religious ceremonies, various seasonal rituals, shamanic rituals, have always taken place in human history. These experiences were sometimes used for rehabilitation of the individual community from time to time, and they played a role in the cultural structure that provided inspiration to the community. The aim of this thesis was to pursue the claim that psychodrama's approach to the treatment of the group and the individual in the group is as old as the history of humanity and to explain the similarities and relationships between both the old and new rituals in the history of humanity and their psychodrama techniques and functions. 



The Mother Role: Attachment and Detachment, Idil Cemre Oztep- Psychodramatist. 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2016. 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



In the first part of this thesis which is the history of the role of motherhood was examined in different contexts, and then the first roles of the baby, the role of the mother in psychosocial development, the development of the baby's spontaneity, and the concepts of tele and transference between mother and baby were discussed in the “Birth as a Creative Action” section, which is learning to become a mother. The concepts of feeling and doing together, successful attachment, attachment problems and the development of addiction followed by separation processes between mother and baby were emphasized. In the last part, a protagonist study selected from a psychodrama experience group is presented and evaluated. Based on the results; a healthy attachment with the first caring mother and the mother's attitude towards her baby; It affects the baby's role taking, creativity, spontaneity and courage in the first years of the baby. 

Treatment fort he High Blood Pressure Patients by Using “Emotional Double” in Psychodrama, Senem Eke Yıldız- Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2016  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



This study aimed to investigate the treatment of hypertension which is a chronic psychosomatic disease which has been the subject of many studies with psychodrama method. Hypertension patient whose spontaneity is suppressed and who cannot express his feelings properly suppresses the body's secreted adrenaline and suppresses his actions. Therefore, in this study, first of all, how hypertension disease was developed because of unknown cause was explained within the framework of psychodrama role theory. Then, in order to develop healthy psychic roles instead of dysfunctional somatic roles. Emotional Double technique applied to hypertension patients in psychodrama for the first time in this study as a treatment of hypertension patients. Seven hypertension patients participated in the study and 9 weeks of psychodrama group therapy was administered. Hamilton Depression and Anxiety Rating Scales and Toronto Alexithymia Scale were applied to the participants as pre-test and post-test. Depression and anxiety levels of the members were decreased; There was no difference in alexithymia scores. Three of the group members were informed that their drug doses were halved after cardiology examinations and that the other members had not had a blood pressure attack in the last 4 weeks. 

The Transgenerational Mourning and Psychodrama, Çiğdem Karahan- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2016 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The body remembers the sadness and pain of the ancestors more than we imagined and keeps the stories of our parents, grandparents, grandmothers and their ancestors. In this study, the effects of psychodrama techniques on the mourning process and death perception were investigated; to ensure that the process can be changed positively in terms of mourning and that this process leads to a further step towards the elimination of the negativities that may arise from the mourning process. For this reason, 6 sessions were held with 8 participants who have a close relative loss and geno-sociogram technique was applied to the participants. During the study, the participants found an opportunity to work on their unresolved or postponed mourning processes and face the dead ones. According to the results, these psychodrama confrontations ensured people to mentally process some aspects of the unresolved mourning by providing insight and awareness to protagonists. 

The Analysis of the Role of Mother in Transgenerational Transmission of Autism, Esen Acarer Kahya- Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2017 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Autism spectrum disorder that is known as delay or inability in language abilities, social communication, abstract perception and having stereotypic behaviors is still under research. There is no treatment for autism spectrum disorder other than special education and psychiatric medication. This study investigates the effects of the mother’s information source that are genes, universe, families and social interactions, and roles that were gained by learning and from collective conscious on this disorder. In this study, it was investigated in which role people with autism was experience difficulties. In this frame, spontaneity, creativity, action and motherhood role were examined. As a result of the study, mothers with children with autism were very similar in each other. 

Social Skills Training of the Children Who are Diagnosed Autistic Spectrum Disorder Using Psychodrama As an Attempt for Intimacy, Dilek Kanak- Psychodramatist   

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2017  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Social skill training with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been one of the most difficult subjects in special educations. This study aims to include psychodrama into social skill learning trainings for children with ASD. In the study, the use of psychodrama in social skill learning, new helpful techniques and versions of psychodrama were discussed. The control list that was prepared for the three social skills that are “thanking”, “requesting permission”, and “introducing the self”, psychodrama techniques that provide acquiring these skills and Social Skill Assement that is used to measure these three skills were introduced in the study. It was observed in the study that some of the children acquired skills to perform each level, that they were having difficulty performing before, independently including warm-up games. Besides, they become capable of performing many skills. 




Transformation of the Negative Body Memory by Psychodrama Duing the Process of Loss and Grief, Pınar Cömertler- Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2017 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The effects of the loss and negative life events on the person's life and the suppression of feelings of fear, anger and guilt start to manifest themselves as some disorders in the body after a while with the need to express themselves. Reflection of psychological distress and tensions and unrepresentable emotions on the body is defined as somatic disorders. It is possible to interpret these expressions well and to take advantage of the healing power of psychodrama's safe and protected environment, to enable one to express negative experiences, to use these psychodramatic techniques, to transform these experiences and step into a new reality. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how psychodrama approaches somatic symptoms in the body and how to solve them. 7 adult members participated in the study and 8 sessions of psychodrama were conducted. The results support the effect of psychodrama on the physical and emotional catharsis experienced by the method of action in resolving body eclipses. 

Examining the Mother Role in Terms of Transgenerational Transmissipn and Resolution of Their Pathologies, Fadime Bayri Bingol Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2017  


 Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



The mother role is considered as a role with multiple aspects. The concept can be analyzed from perspectives such as analytic, developmental and sociology. This study examines the mother role between the generations with psychodrama. Intergenerational transmission is essential for establishing the mother role. In this study, intergenerational transmission of mother role and pathologies were discussed with the psychodrama method. The study started with 10 mothers who was at least graduated from high school but completed with 6 mother and 6 protagonist sessions were held during the study. Spectrogram studies were done to objectively understand the participants emotional closeness to their mothers. The results of the study show that mothers transmit the attitudes that they gained from their own mothers to their daughters. 


Anger Management of Children by Improving Their Spontaneity Through Individual Psychodrama: Working with Angry Children Who are not Suitable for Group Work UsingIndividual Psychodrama to adampt New Roles and to Improve Spontaneity, Fatma Uca 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2017 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



According to psychodrama philosophy, being healthy is having creativity that leads to spontaneity. The spontaneity of a baby who comes to life spontaneously impairs later because of the strict rules. This study focused on the children whose spontaneity was impaired. Aggressive children who have difficulties with their peers and teachers were examined with individual psychodrama and their spontaneity development was analyzed. It was aimed that children gain insight into their spontaneity and be able to create creative solutions to their problems. Children who participated in the study had experienced at least one problem because of aggression in a week at the school. Two children participated in the study as one girl and one boy. Children were supported to try new roles and to replace their useless roles with spontaneous ones. The results show that children showed courage to change and gained new skills and roles to control their anger. 

Transference of the Group Members Towards the Group Leader on Psychodrama Stage and Its Restorative Effects, Ilgın Aydın-Psychodramatist, 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2017 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The basis of sociometry is the relationship between people. Within psychodrama, there are various forms of relationships between groups, managers and members. In this thesis, the members of the group were independent of the roles attributed to the manager; whether a real therapeutic relationship exists. In addition, the effects of the techniques inherent in psychodrama on the group process were examined. Six volunteer graduates from upper level education participated in the study. Participants were asked to draw family atoms and then to show their feelings to group leaders by drawing their atoms. It was observed that the participants approached the therapist with similar reactions to their parents, more intensely at the beginning of the group life. 

Dependent Relationship Patterns in Romantic Relationships from a Psychodramatic Perspective and Love Atom, Serra Kampeas, Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2017 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



In this thesis, love addiction was examined in terms of Moreno's Role Theory. The concepts of love addiction and transference in the relationship between men and women were explained. Then, the reflections of mother and father roles on dependent love were discussed; Frida, Dalida, Amy Winehouse love and addictive love in real life stories were given as examples. In the group sessions which were formed as an application model, it was aimed to compare and treat the love atoms of the individuals who did not have addiction problems in their relationship with the love atoms of the dependent love individuals. For this purpose, 6 people participated in the study and Spann-Fischer Relationship Dependence Scale, Social Atom Scale, Parent Role Atom Scale and Love Atom Scale were applied to the subjects. The results of the research and practice show that the somatic and psychic role repertoire and role expectations, which prevent the sequentially and spontaneously occurring role stages, were highly determinative in terms of dependence on romantic relationships in the future. 

Arise in Moreno’s Psychogeografical Test: Proposal of a “Psychosocisl Immunity Bulding Model” based on Resiliency and Spontaneity from the Theory of Sociometry Framework, Fatma Nur Bayram A Psychodramatist.  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2017.  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Sociometry demonstrates the need for creativity and spontaneity that a person needs to develop healthy interpersonal relations. This study aimed to empower people’s adaptive, flexible and strong attitudes towards constantly changing socio-political reality in terms of Moreno’s sociometry theory, sociodrama, and action techniques. According to the results of the study, people think of psycho-geographical criteria during making a decision and people whose spontaneity was active and whose role flexibility was developed increase their commitments to their current geographical place in the presence of an obligation. 

Psychodramatic Theory of Trauma on a Community Level Caused by Military Coups, Duygu Arar Altunç - Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2017  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Traumatic event occurs sudden and unexpected. Person feels confused, and experiences difficulty in processing this unpleasant information and adapting it into the previous information. Accumulation of emotions such as anxiety and tension is observed in individual after traumatic event. In this study, psychodramatical meaning of traumatic experience, social trauma; as one of the social trauma, military coups and attempts were explained. Then, the therapeutic aspects of psychodrama and sociodrama were discussed. A psychodrama model was suggested in terms of social traumas caused by military coups. It was aimed to heal individual about the effects of military coups. Fort his reason, 8 sessions were held with 6 people aged between 30 and 30 who were exposed to July 15 military coup. It was observed during the sessions that every participant had difficulty in giving spontaneous reactions and changing the present situation. 

Treatment of Psychosomatic Dermal Diseases by Psychodrama Nazlı Kalender Kocabaşalar- Psychodramatist,  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2017 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



In this study, psychosomatic diseases and psycho-body integrity were first investigated. Then, psychosomatic skin diseases were examined according to Role Theory and their connections with roles were investigated. For this purpose, 8 sessions were conducted with a group of 6 members with cycosomatic skin disease. “Conscious Awareness Scale” and İyi Emotional Well-being Scale ”were applied to the participants, pre-test and post-test scores were compared and evaluated. The results of the study show that psychosomatic diseases are seen in individuals who have problems in their lives in order and spontaneously, especially in patients with poor psychic role repertoire and who have a somatic role. When transcendant roles are confronted with those who violate the boundaries of these individuals and cause them to form skin diseases, they were largely relieved of their distress. 

The Manifestation of Deficiencies of the four Main Roles of Leadership in the Group and s Self Evaluation From for Leaders, Zeynep Erdil -Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2017 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



In order to provide a good psychodrama session, it is important that the psychodramatist / leader has acquired the professional roles necessary to lead the psychodrama session. As analysts, directors, therapists and group leaders, psychodramatists perform these four interconnected and highly complex functions. This study aimed to create a form that leaders can use to evaluate themselves in education by looking at the leader 's professional roles and appearance in group practices. It was thought that this form would help leaders to identify their professional roles and to demonstrate their behaviors so that psychodramatists can evaluate themselves and develop their missing aspects. 16 psychodramatists participated in the study and completed the form. According to the findings, the questions in each subscale of the form consistently measured the roles they belong to and that there was no problematic item. 

Psychodrama And Courage to Act, Nareg Bağ, Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, 2017 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The concept of action is at the heart of the philosophy of psychodrama and it is indispensable for humanity. Negative advances experienced in mental development and role development stages may adversely affect the courage of people to act and impair mental health. The courage to take action mentioned here to become spontaneous and creative and develope spontaneous and creative solutions to their lives. The aim of this research is to develop the courage to take action with psychodrama. In the hypothesis of the study, it was thought that psychodrama would improve the courage of people to take action. A total of 10 sessions were held and 8 people attended the sessions. The results show that there was an increase in the courage of people to take action. 

The MAternity Roles of Anxious Children’s Mothers Searched by the Base of Spontaneity and Anxiety, Gülay Okutucu Karaman-Psikodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, June 2018 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The mother, who is the child's first contact, has the most important role as the foundation of the perception of the child both in and out of self. As an important factor affecting the child's place in the external world, the mother represents the balance or imbalance between the importance and expectations of the child and those outside the child. Spontaneity is by courageous choice. However, when there is an existence which fulfills the expected conservation behaviors by the society, courage can be replaced by anxiety. In this case, it is not possible to talk about spontaneity. Therefore, the spontaneity of the child born as a spontaneous entity is directly affected by the mother's spontaneity or anxiety. The primary purpose of the thesis is to reveal this. In other words, children who have anxiety problems and different emotional problems have anxiety about their mothers' maternal roles. In addition, the spontaneity of the mother who plays the child is also affected by her own mother's spontaneity. The secondary objective of the thesis was to determine how mothers' concerns were affected by their mother's maternal roles. Based on this, psychodrama studies will be able to support the self-development of children by increasing the spontaneity of mothers. 


The Research About the Affect of Transgenerational Motherhood on the Maternity Role for Undescribed Infertility, 

Abdulkadir Yiğitsoy – Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, June 2018  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



In this study, the situation is experienced by women who cannot get pregnant despite any physiological impairment known as “unidentified infertility” was discussed in the mean of Moreno’s “role theory” and “role development processes”. The relationship of women who experience unidentified infertility and their mother and the effects of the mother role in the family on this relationship were assessed. Thereby, the role and sub roles belong to the mother, especially the somatic role of mother as the birth giver was investigated. First, family tree geno-sociogram applications were conducted to identify the intergenerational factors which have effects on having, displaying, and creating these roles, Then, psychodrama sessions were held about the experienced problems on the role development process. The results show that guilt and worthlessness were observed in every participant’s intergeneration applications. The expectant mothers’ negative perceptions of their mother were replaced with healthy ones during the psychodrama sessions. 

Noveldrama, Sule Sahin-Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, June 2018 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Novel drama; is a healing method in which novels were taken as the focus with psychodrama’s methods and techniques. From this point of view, novel is defined as a method of bringing the reader into the real catharsis by introducing the reader into the scene inside the novel. This is the transformation of the “observation catharsis “ in Moreno's catharsis theory, obtained by reading the novels, into the psychodrama scene. The therapeutic properties of the novels are the spontaneity of creativity and naturalness; it is the catharsis and insight brought about by the identification of the situation or characters in the novel. Based on this, a 6-week romandram study was conducted with a group of 8 people. Studies have had an effect that facilitates the dissolution of resistance in individuals and the formation of insight by participating in the studies. Romandrama has fulfilled the initial purpose of the work to repair or improve self in the healing process. 

The Mother/ Baby Relatiobshio Can Be A Cause For Obesity in the Somatic Role Developmental Stage(the role pathology), Ecem Demirel-Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, June 2018.  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The baby boldly takes his somatic roles and then, moves on to the psychic role. At this stage, the baby begins to experience several emotions, if he cannot express these emotions in some way and if he lives them from the inside, he goes back to the somatic role and regresses into the area he feels safer. Individuals, who can recognize themselves as a whole, not only learn to evaluate themselves in terms of physical and physical characteristics, but also to repair emotions and the relationships they have with their mother in childhood. In this study, it was aimed to help individuals to solve their issues in relationships and emotions and therefore replace their need for eating with love by psychodrama. According to the results, individuals who experience creativity and spontaneity were able to recognize their physiological and emotional responses. Moreover, they showed reduced binge-eating symptoms as they take the courage to experience their emotions. 

The Comparison of Protagonist and Their Double’s Cultural Atoms in Psychodrama Groups. Gizem Yıldıran-Psikodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, June 2018 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



This study investigated the sociometric connections over “double” based on the assumption that protagonist and double has similar cultural atoms. Data on the protagonist’s and double’s cultural atoms were collected from the Social Atom Scale using scales to assess the Emotion Atom, the Mother Attitude Atom, and the Father Attitude Atom. This study was implemented by giving the protagonist and spouse related scales immediately after each protagonist study. As a result of this study, the ego sociogram which is an important reflection of the co-unconscious is examined. Thus, concrete data were obtained to form an co-unconscious map. In addition, the common ties between the subject of protagonist and the themes of double as protagonist were also examined. 


The Role Prediction Test in Parenhood, Oya Kürüm Halaçoğlu-Psychodramatist  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, June 2018 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



The aim of this thesis was to support couples who have decided to have babies, expecting babies or new parents to adapt to each other in their parenting role and thus provide a psychodrama model that supports consistent parenting roles and protect their partner relationships from the negativities that may be experienced in the parent role. With the model to be presented in this thesis, it was aimed to ensure that the couples' priorities, expectations of each other and the transfers they carry from their parents to the present (clearing of negative transfers, if any) in the “parenting role ve and the solution of the points that have the potential to create conflict are experienced. This model was created and implemented within the scope of preventive mental health. Preventive studies are known to be more effective and economical than treatment. Thus, it is aimed to reduce the need for psychological interventions. A total of 3 couples participated in the study and a total of 5 sessions were held. The most important difference observed in role atoms is that each of them is significantly simplified compared to the first atom. 

The Research About the Effects of Transgenerational Maternal Role Atoms on the Role Inadequacy, Burcu Bahtiyar Akgök-Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute- Graduation Thesis June 2018  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 




The role of motherhood is can be approached with a wide range of approaches such as analytical, developmental, and social psychology, and sociological perspectives. In this study, the interactions between the intergenerational transfer effect will be analyzed. Motherhood role atoms, role deficiencies were assessed with the aspects of spontaneity and tele; and intergenerational effects of transmission by taking into account the inadequate roles about motherhood. Moreover, as mother and child were the focus of the study, role atoms were explained with this relationship and the mother’s self and her perspective to her child were examined. This study aimed the mothers to know themselves, to increase their awareness, to face motherhood roles in the other generations. Thus, five mothers and grandmothers participated in the study. First, Motherhood Role Inadequaity Atom was applied to the participant and then, they were examined in the context of the role theory of psychodrama in a broad sense. The results show that the study made visible the effects of traumas of the past and emotional legacies on motherhood role at the individual level. 

The Psychodramatic Theory of the Psychological Development Process of Destroying the Role of “Putting Boundaries”,  Esra Taşdemir Seyitoğlu-Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, June 2018 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Neşe Karabekir, Psychodrama Trainer, Psychodramatist, Institute Coordinator 



In psychotherapy, the expression of “there is closeness if there is a boundary.” Has an important role. Therefore, contrary to the common knowledge, it is known that the closeness exists and increases when the healthy border is set. However, closeness disappears when the unhealthy border is set. For these people, intimacy can turn into anxiety, and sometimes it means not being able to be flexible and adapt to the moment and the situation. This study includes how the role that draws boundary is impaired, how a person generates isolation and how that person can be treated through psychodrama. This study aimed to investigate the change that occurs after treating the person who cannot set boundaries in a healthy way or who set unhealthy boundaries because of the anxiety to be violated.   

The Reseach of Role Inadequacy Syndrome by Using Psychodrama, Selda Özbay-Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, June 2018 


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



People who have a role deficiency often feel that they are asked to play a high level of role behavior, depending on their role expectations. However, under the influence of their imprisonment, they can achieve this very rarely. Individuals experience role deficiencies due to the role they cannot perform. Role deficiency syndrome is caused by the deterioration of the roles of individuals in their development and the person is inconsistent in life due to the roles he cannot create. In this study, first of all, the formation processes of role deficiencies in role development, role deficiency syndrome and distrust and dullness resulting from role deficiency are explained according to role theory. In the last part of the thesis, the objectives, conclusions and evaluations of 8-session psychodrama group work involving 8 Role Deficiency Syndrome 8 are presented. At the end of the study, positive changes in mood and anxiety levels of the group members were observed. 

The Motherhood Role Training: Putting Boundaries and Closeness, Ebru Hocaoğlu Fine -Psikodramatist.  

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute Graduation Thesis, June 2018.  


Advisor: Psy. M.A. Deniz Altinay, President of Institute 



Mother is a part of our personality and existence. The baby feels safe and understood if the mother correctly responds to the baby with what the baby needs at when the baby needs it. Baby becomes an adult who knows his/her boundaries and who can easily show his/her feelings. Most of the time, parents find it difficult to set limits for children. This study aimed to reveal the creativity and spontaneity of mothers and to increase their courage to resolve the psychic, social and transcendental roles that remain unresolved between them and their mothers. By doing that it was hypothesized that mothers can take their roles in a healthier way to establish boundaries and closeness between themselves and the child so that they can establish a healthier relationship. 

Encountering in Psychodrama: Encountering the Healthy Side of the Self (Encountering the Self-Accepting Side of the Self) – Ceren Sezen, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2020 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Consultant Deniz Altınay - Head of Institute, Trainer Psychodramatist) 




In this thesis, the contribution of the concept of encounter in psychodrama to the process of self-acceptance has been tried to be examined. 

The planning content started by explaining what the encounter was and continued with the philosophy, goals and meaning of the encounter in psychodrama. In order to understand how the self-acceptance process is formed, the formation of the self is explained under the headings. 

In the explanation of the titles, examples of protagonists that the author experienced and observed during his psychodrama training are included from time to time. 

The application process was evaluated as pretest and posttest. 

At the end of the thesis, the author's own thoughts are included. 

The Role of Residual Reality in Healing Adolescents Experiencing Loss Trauma in Psychodrama and Increasing Their Life Satisfaction – Erdem Kahraman, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2020 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Consultant Deniz Altınay - Head of Institute, Trainer Psychodramatist) 



     A trauma occurs with the loss of unexpectedly and suddenly bonded object and the effects of the trauma continue for many years in adolescents who are exposed to this loss in growth age. Adolescence is a period of searching for identity between past child and future adult roles. Somatic changes are experienced, new roles are experienced in psychic and social roles, and adolescent seeks knowledge of meaning by connecting with life in the transcendent role. Experienced losses reduces the satisfaction they get from life and causes changes in their roles. The healing role of psychodrama has been examined in coping with the strong effects of the traumas caused by the loss phenomenon. In the role of the healer; tele, catharsis, hunger for action, developing the role repertoire that enables the pass from the role of helpless observer to the role of active participant, recovery with individual psychodrama sessions in which new roles are experienced and it is aimed to increase life satisfaction. Every event, situation played in the psychodrama scene is depicted with a new reality, whether it happened or not. This concept, which adds a magical dimension to psychodrama, has now been introduced as a reality by Moreno. Losses and their negative effects, role problems that occur in the roles that the adolescent takes after the trauma, adolescent's decreased spontaneity and creativity, the strong effects of the residues of the past on getting away from the moment have now met with reality instruments in the new reality.  

     Studies were planned as 6 sessions with 4 adolescents in semi-structured individual psychodrama sessions.  

     Sessions were held by applying the Impact of Events Scale (Pre-Test-Post-Test), Post-Traumatic Cognition Scale (Pre-Test-Post-Test), life satisfaction scale (Pre-Test-Post-Test),  and Post-Loss Needs Atom. Warm up-Game and Sharing phases were performed in individual psychodrama sessions. From psychodrama techniques; role switching, matching, concretization, role playing, mirror were applied in individual sessions. 

The Effect of Psychodrama Experience on Negative Schemas - Zeynep Hamamcı. Graduation Thesis 2021 ( Advisor: Neşe Karabekir, Specialist Psychologist - Psychodrama Therapist) 




The aim of this study is to examine whether psychodrama experience is effective in reducing the negative schemas of individuals. A single-group experimental design was used in this study. Six students who are continuing their non-thesis master’s degree in Gaziantep University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department participated in the research. The Young Schema Scale was applied to the experimental group as a pre-test before the application. After the pre-test measurements, a psychodrama application consisting of 10 sessions was carried out with the individuals in the experimental group. In the last measurements made after the end of the applications, the same measurement tool was applied again to the experimental group. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test applied for dependent groups was used in the analysis of the data obtained. Research results Show that psychodrama experience is effective in reducing negative schermas of individuals. It has been determined that this effect of psychodrama experience on reducing schemas is valid especially fort he sub-dimensions of insufficient self-control, social isolation, and seeking approval of the Young Schema Inventory. 

Limits and Transitivity of the Relationship Between Therapist and Protagonist in Psychodrama, Its Importance in Treatment – ​​Fatma Munar, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2020 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Neşe Karabekir - Institute Coordinator, Trainer Psychodramatist) 



The aim of this study is to examine the boundaries of the relationship between therapist and protagonist in psychodrama, and also analyze the blurred boundaries and their effects on therapy. 

Firstly, an introduction focussed on the definition of psychodrama, and the role of the therapist and protagonist - two of the five main elements of psychodrama. Secondly, the relationship and first encounter topics were introduced; followed by the boundaries in psychodrama, and the blurred boundaries were investigated under the relevant subheadings. 

The subject of physical contact in psychodrama was discussed in a separate section, due to the fact that physical contact in psychodrama is very different from other forms of psychotherapies.  

Subsequently, the therapeutic effect of blurred boundaries in the therapist and protagonist relationship were examined at different stages of psychodrama, and additionally during the using of core psychodrama techniques, in order. 

The study concluded by emphasizing the possible dangers and problems related to the boundaries and blurred boundaries of the relationship between therapist and protagonist. 

Examination and Treatment of the Effect of Gender Roles on Vaginismus Roles in the Framework of Role Theory – Aşkı Öykü Usta, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2022 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Esra Bilik, Trainer Psychodramatist – Neuroscientist) 



Vaginismus is the name given to the inability to have sexual intercourse as a result of involuntary contraction of the muscles at the entrance of the vagina. 

It is thought that conflicts and problems in gender roles have important effects on the occurrence of vaginismus. When we look at the psychodrama literature, although there are many studies and literature on pathologies related to gender role, there is no study that it may be related to sexual problems. In this study, it is aimed to process and solve sexual problems with conflicting role atoms studies in psychodrama with the planned psychodrama group sessions. 

With this research, the traumatic stories of each group member experiencing vaginismus, the meanings they attribute to life, the  way they perceive family relationships and how they position them have become visible. It has been seen how these negative life events and core conflicts affect their sex lives and choices. The experiences staged with psychodrama made it possible for the members to gain awareness and acquire new roles, paving the way for healthy choices. In the vaginismus stories of the members, the trauma experienced by each of them was revealed. It has been observed how these negative life events affect their sexual life. The traumatic experiences processed with psychodrama enabled the members to gain awareness and renew their role as women. The hypothesis of the study, 'vaginismus plays a role in the conflict and problem in gender roles' has been realized. Another hypothesis is that 'Psychodrama plays a curative role in dealing with sexual problems'. The evaluations of the members in the post-test applications and the increase in sexual proximity of each member in the Spectogram study also support this hypothesis. 

Discovering Prejudices Between Young Syrian Refugees and Turkish Citizens Through Sociodramatic Study and Strengthening Cohesion – Ayla Yılmaz, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2022 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Begüm Kodlak Bilik, Trainer Psychodramatist) 


In this study, the conflict that develops with prejudice between young Syrian refugees and Turkish people will be examined under sociometry and role theory. First, the prejudices and conflicts between the two groups are discussed under the title of role conflicts in psychodrama and it includes the argument that the conflict between the two groups is an example of interpersonal role conflict. Secondly, it contains the argument that "role deficiency", which is a role problem, is one of the causes of conflict between young refugees and Turkish people. With the sociodrama studies to be carried out, it is aimed to discover prejudice, and to strengthen the cohesion between the two groups with the sub-objectives of warming up studies and developing role flexibility and resolving role conflicts. 

Keywords: Sociodrama, migration, prejudice, cohesion 

Identifying Role Problems Caused by Unfulfilled Parental Role Expectations in Adolescents with Broken Families and Their Treatment with Psychodrama – İlhan Aşkın, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2022 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Esra Bilik, Trainer Psychodramatist – Neuroscientist) 



Adolescence is a complex development process in which the individual begins to move away from childhood roles, as well as preparation to take adult roles. The divorce or informal separation decision taken after the husband and wife roles disappear in the family system has an undeniable effect on the adolescent. In this study, the role problems caused by the parents who left the house to meet the adolescent role expectation or the role deficiency that is thought to occur after their neglect were examined and examined in Moreno's role theory and role development processes. For this purpose, the role problems that will be created by the possible lack of parental role by considering the somatic, psychic, social and transandant roles expected from the mother and father  in the adolescents healty devolepment emphasized.  Also, it was tried to explain role conflicts, role repertoire problems, role rigidity issues that are thought to occur in adolescents due to mother or father role deficiency. This study was handled through adolescents who are between the ages of  17-19 and whose parents have been officially divorced or separated for a minimum of 4 years and examined in the application model. 

Investigation of Role Pathology of Individuals with Childhood Physical Violence Trauma (Treatment of Physical Violence Trauma with Psychodrama) – Sinem Çavuş Yıldırım, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2022 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Consultant Deniz Altınay - Head of Institute, Trainer Psychodramatist) 



In the present study, the examination of the individuals having had physical violence trauma during childhood period in the aspect of Psychodrama Role Theory and how the effects of the trauma is enhanced by psychodrama group thearpy method is discussed.  There are four role categories in Psychodrama Role Theory: somatic role, spiritual role, social role and transcendental role. The somatic role examines anything related to body. It includes the initial and  essential roles we get in uterus. The other role categories are developed on the somatic role. In the thesis, the effects of the traumaoccured in the somatic role on the other roles have been examined. Trauma is a body of incidentsthreatening human life and it makespeoplefeel as if theywill die. Physicalviolence is a kind of trauma and at the same time it is a kind of abuse as it means the violation of body borders. In this respect, the effects of border violations on the roles are evaluated, too. 

In The Theory of Psychodrama, the most important elements of staying healthy in life and increasing spiritual and mental robustness are spontaneity, creativity and  action hunger.  It has been analyzed how our spontaneity disappears and our creativity spoils asa result of physical violence trauma. Furthermore,the effects of the emerged action hunger are 

examined within the scope of the thesis.It is explained that the enhance of the individual that hada physical violence trauma in childhood is possible on the Psychodrama stage with.                  action chatarsis, imaginativecreation and residual reality. As the concreteindicator of this recovery it is aimed that the groupwork model has been applied.  

Key Word: PhysicalViolence, Trauma, Psychodrama 

Dealing Human's Search for Meaning with Psychodrama, Examination of Transcendent Role Development and Recovery in Anxious Individuals – Gizem Sezan Gezen, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2022 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Consultant Deniz Altınay - Head of Institute, Trainer Psychodramatist) 



Anxiety is the feeling of restlessness and worry that develops as an overreaction to a perceived threat. 

Parental attitudes in the first childhood life and the position of caregiver relatives in the child's life and the teachings, traces, core conflicts left in him; It is thought that it plays a decisive role in the foundation of positive/negative judgments in the meaning of life, choices and self-evaluation of individuals in adulthood. When examined with psychodrama, negative beliefs developed due to core conflicts also affect the way a person perceives the world and form pathology. One of the hypotheses in this study; that conflicts and problems experienced in the role development of family relations and traumatic experiences in the early childhood of individuals have important effects on the development of anxiety; Another is that with psychodrama, there will be significant improvements in the mentioned anxious processes by addressing and improving transcendent role problems. With this research, the experiences staged with psychodrama made it possible for the members to gain awareness and acquire new roles, paving the way for healthy choices. Each member's ability to cope with anxiety has improved and has decreased so much that it is almost non-existent. A client experiencing a Panic Attack has never experienced a panic attack. This concrete data also shows that; It has been seen that by realizing the activation of the transcendent role, it is possible for the individual to stay in the moment and to prevent the mind from going back and forth between the future and the past. Another hypothesis, the relationship between the transcendent role and meaning, has reached a meaningful result when individuals reposition their family members, choices and values ​​in their lives. 

 “The joy of being is not limited in time. It has no beginning and no end. The secret of God's transfiguration is that he exists again in another form and in another guise. So what is God then? He is an immortal child playing an endless game in an endless garden.”Sri Aurobindo 


Key Words:Anxiety, Transcendent Role, Psychodrama. 

The Effect of Examining the Social Atoms of Migraine Patients on the Quality of Life through Psychodrama – Esra Kartal, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2022 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Esra Bilik, Trainer Psychodramatist – Neuroscientist) 




The aim of this study is to increase the quality of life of the migraine patients by working with the emotional and relational elements that may trigger migraine in their interpersonal relationships through their social atoms in the psychodrama group. For this purpose, 11 sessions were held with 10 members and a protagonist work was carried out for each member. Migraine sculpture was used in protagonist studies to understand the relationship patterns thought to cause migraine in the social atom and to reach core conflicts and this formed the application model of the study. The SF-36 Quality of Life Scale, Social Atom Scale, State Trait Anxiety Inventory, DSM-5 Level Somatic Symptom Scale were used as a pre-test in the first session, and as a post-test in the last session in order to understand how the protagonist work and group process will affect the quality of life, somatization, anxiety and relationships of the members. Having checked the difference between the scales, it has been observed that psychodrama group psychotherapy has improved the somatization disorders of migraine patients with an average of 33% decrease, it has provided an improvement with an average of 15.5% decrease in anxiety levels, it has increased their quality of life by 10.9% on average. 

Examination of Motherhood Roles of Individuals with Body Perception Disorders in Psychodrama – Kübra Sarı, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2022 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Consultant Ayça Atasoy, Trainer Psychodramatist) 



The aim of this study that searching of psychodrama tecnics on impaired body perception and treatment of eating disorders. It has been aimed to objectify individual’s who have impaired body image on negative meanings of eating behavior, difficulty of self expression, expression of emotion and coping with societal pressure through psychodrama in this study.  

It has been examined that participant’s primary relationship of their mothers who suffers from eating disorders and it has been emphasized on the effects of the primary relationship. Mother candidate’s role that begins in childhood determines in primary developmental stage and it develops  with behaviors in somatic role and with mental integrative aspects. Behaviors in somatic area, mental integrative aspects form other behaviors of individuals future life. Role of mother as a social role contains in several sub roles which are somatic roles, psychic roles, social roles and transandant roles. It has been examined role of mother and it’s sub roles in this study. 

Psychodrama has provided awareness to person by knowing himself and realizing negative thoughts of body perception thus, people notice negative thoughts and change them thanks to psychodrama. This has been provided to understand the reasons and the relations of impaired body image and the relation of mother. 

Psychodramatic Analysis of Replaced (Substitute) Children in Intergenerational Therapy – Berat Meryem Gönenç, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2022 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Consultant Ayça Atasoy, Trainer Psychodramatist) 



The “replacement (substitute) children” that are the subject of this study are the children who replace someone whose mourning has not been fully completed after their death. One of the studies conducted with these individuals to date was conducted by Cain & Cain in 1964 and the psychological problems experienced by these individuals were discussed, and there was no information about the way individuals were affected by the people they replaced and their treatment. In another study conducted by Krell & Rabkin (1980), these children were classified according to the upbringing/care methods they were exposed to. In this study, it is aimed to psychodramatically examine and solve the self-perceptions, choices in life, future perspectives and the roles they unwittingly assume in the lives of children born as a result of or in the process of incomplete grief and raised as a substitute. For this purpose, it is aimed to psychodramatically study the role conflicts that created by the state of “feeling like living someone else’s place”, the role confusions in the way of self-realization and the role insecurities that cause difficulties in behaving as oneself.  

Keywords: replacement child, grief, role conflict, psychodrama. 

Intergenerational Transfer of Uncompleted Grief of the Mother with Psychodrama Method – Nazlı Avcıl, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2022 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Consultant Ayça Atasoy, Trainer Psychodramatist) 



Salvador Dali, who takes the place of a brother whose grief does not end, expresses his pain as follows: "I've learned to live by filling the void of emotion that wasn't really given to me."  

The experience of motherhood is a process that takes a woman through her relationship with her child to her childhood and her relationship with her childhood mother and recreates them in her own motherhood.The mother's own childhood history is against her with all its reality. Mother is the most important person in connecting with life. 

When people who have not experienced healthy developmental stages become parents, they pass on their unhealthy roles to their children. Those children pass it on to their own children. This transmission continues as long as it is not noticed. Therefore, recognizing and changing unhealthy roles in the process of intergenerational transmission is extremely important. 

Intergenerational approach deals with incomplete grief, invisible loyalty, balancing family accounts, family accounts and injustice, reverse parenting, family justice, resentment, unjust fate, felt injustice, anniversary syndrome, family rules, substitute children, and genetic incest. In this study, the intergenerational transmission of the mother's incomplete grief will be discussed with the psychodrama method. 

Key words; maternal role, intergenerational transmission, incomplete grief, miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth 

Examination of Adolescents' Occupational Preferences Using Psychodrama Concepts and Atom Applications (Matrixes) – Hilmi Tunahan Gök, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2022 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Esra Bilik, Trainer Psychodramatist – Neuroscientist) 



Adolescence is the period when individuals form an identity, make some decisions, experience changes proceed towards adulthood roles from childhood roles. Also, in this period individuals, develop concern for the future regarding having a profession due to the desire of clutching onto life. The decisions that individuals make are crucial in this period. In this study, it is aimed to raise an awareness, to discover oneself and with proper guidance to help them make proper decision by using psychodrama techniques for individuals to choose the profession which will be associated with them for a long time.  In this study, Moreno’s role theory and role development processes have been scrutinized.  All the factors which might possibly affect and influence the adolescents’ choice of profession.    

Investigation of the Relationship Between the Single Family-Couple Model and Couple Adjustment, a Type of Family Intervention in Psychodrama – Sadice Kızgın, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2022 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Consultant Ayça Atasoy, Trainer Psychodramatist) 


The concepts of tele, transference and empathy are important concepts in interpersonal relations as well as in couple relations in psychodrama. While healthy relations are directly proportional to tele and empathy process, they are inversely proportional to transference. In this study, it is aimed to show that the single family-couple model, which is applied as a form of family intervention, increases tele and empathy and reduces transference, thus increasing dyadic adjustment. Four married couples were included in the study. Children were included in the study. As a pre-assessment, Dyadic Adjustment Scale(DAS), drawing of social atom to determine transference, inventory of how much they know each other were given. There were 6 sessions in total, and social atom, show your emotions with gestures, personality atoms, belief atoms and advertise yourself were applied. Looking at the inventory of knowing each other in A,B,C,D couples, it shows that their sharing increased and they observed each other in the sessions. A,B,D couples observing each other and accepting each other as they are, showed that the cohesion of couples increased with DAS. It can be seen that there is a decrease in CLS in the C couple. In couples with increasing dyadic harmony, tele and empathy increase while transference decreases. As a result, it can be said that the single pair model increases pair cohesion, and it does this by transforming the transferase to tele. 

The Effect of Role Conflicts on Self-Acceptance and Self-Compassion as a Social Role – Seher Özkay, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2022 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Consultant Deniz Altınay - Head of Institute, Trainer Psychodramatist) 


This research will be conducted in order to examine the effect of role conflicts on self acceptance and self-compassion.  

The sample of the research will consist of members who will participate in Psychodrama Group Psychotherapy. Group members will be around 12 people. 

In the study, the Self-compassion Scale will be used to determine the self-compassion levels of the members, and the Self-Acceptance and Self-compassion Atom will be used to examine the change of self-acceptance and self-compassion. A pre-test will be applied before the group starts and a post-test will be applied at the end of the group. At the end of the group, feedback will also be expressed by the members. 

After psychodrama group psychotherapy,  it will be examined whether there is a significant change in the levels of Self-Acceptance and Self-compassion with the changes that will occur in the role conflicts of the members.  

 Keywords:Psychodrama,  Self-acceptance,  Self-Compassion,  Role Conflicts 

Examining the Social Roles of High School Students with Exam Anxiety – Leyla Özbek, Psychodramatist 

Istanbul Psychodrama Institute – Graduation Thesis, 2022 

(Advisor: Specialist Psych. Begüm Kodlak Bilik, Trainer Psychodramatist) 


       In this study, it was aimed to examine the social roles of the students during the individual psychodrama sessions to be held with four high school students with test anxiety and to reduce their test anxiety as a result of the sessions. Spielberger's test anxiety inventory will be administered to four high school students who have experienced test anxiety and applied for support before and after the individual psychodrama sessions. 8 individual psychodrama sessions will be held with these students. During the sessions, individual psychodrama will be used by using psychodrama techniques. After the study is over, it will be examined whether there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores applied to the students. During the individual sessions, the social roles of the students will be evaluated within the framework of the test anxiety they experience, and will be explored and explained in detail. As a result of the study, it is aimed that students gain insight with psychodrama techniques to be applied to them, test reality, develop alternative thoughts, experience behavioral changes with the development of their spontaneity, and expand their role repertoire. During the individual sessions, the role repertoires of the students, role conflicts, the roles they took and the roles they did not take, and what kind of problems they experienced in which social role will be investigated. 

Keywords: Anxiety, test anxiety, psychodrama, social role.